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Pollution, Prairie Grass and "This Is True" News.

16:21 / 08.04.02
From the latest newsetter from This Is True, a great source for news of idiocy...

COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Bromwell Elementary School
in Denver, Colo., wanted
to teach its students about the cycle of life
on the prairie. Teachers
planted a garden with 20 native grasses, and
now, three years later,
want to demonstrate the importance of fire by
burning the garden so
students can see it spring back to life.
"Proper management of these
kinds of ecosystems demand this kind of
approach," says principal Frank
Bingham. But city officials say the school
cannot burn the garden
because the smoke would pollute the air.
Instead, it suggests busing
the 300 students to the Denver Botanical Garden
to see its prairie
grass exhibit. The Colorado Air Pollution
Control Division estimates
the garden burn would emit about 8 pounds of
particulates into the air.
It also calculated that school buses emit 13
pounds of particulates per
bus per hour. (Denver Post)
pointless and uncalled for
16:26 / 08.04.02
But you need to take into consideration that a bus is part of trade-oriented, federally sanctions pollution.

If Ford sold patches of burning grass then I guarantee every school in the USA would have one, right after the driver's ed class.

And some half-assed socialist would be decrying the sponsorship of ecological education.
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