In about issue 80 something of Transformers Weekly they did a ten part sotryline in which Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge travel back in time, almost kill everyone then get sent forward in time by Hot Rod, Kup and Blur who have also come back in time (this happens off-screen to the movie). When someone comes back from the future someone from the present gets transported to this weird subdimension for no reason. Around issue 101 Galvatron comes back in time again (after the destruction of Unicron in the film) and hangs around. There then follows about 100 issues which loosely speaking set the groundwork for the finale in which a big time warp thing almost destroys the Earth, Unicron almost comes back and gets destroyed again, Shockwave in the future gets killed, Deaths Head gets introduced, Megatron goes mad then claws his way back to sanity, Galvatron just goes mad, Optimus Prime dies, his personality gets stored on a ZX Spectrum and he gets a new body as a Powermaster, Buster Whitwicky does nothing important at all, the character who Eric Idle plays in the film gets tortured, Optimus and Rodimus spend A LOT of time agonising and second-guessing every decision they make and then it all gets wrapped up neatly and there is much rejoicing.
Simon Furman then leaves to write Transformers US, the UK comic goes black and white, then reprints, then becomes toilet paper.
Hey, this all mattered to me when I was 12... |