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The Meta-four

05:21 / 06.04.02
<: I notice things have been quiet arround here lately, which makes this the perfect time to place this one before the 'lithers...

The sphinx consists of four creatures: The Lion, The Bull, The Eagle and Man.These correspond to the four zodiac signs Leo,Taurus,Scorpio and Aquarius.


The same are found in Ezekiel and his encounter with "Angels", they held the same four faces.The same are found in revelation and in a form in Daniel.

On Aug 11(or 13 th) an alignment took place to coincide with the eclipse that found every planet in these four houses forming a cross over earth, as propheciesed by Nostradamus.

They are also found on Tarot decks,especially Thoth,

It has also been speculated they are symbols of the "FOUR HORSEMEN"

Who are the Meta-four and what do these symbols mean to you? The four watchmen...
Rev. Wright
06:30 / 06.04.02
Water, Air, Fire, Earth is a basic translation
The Monkey
10:14 / 06.04.02
Erm - Define your Sphinx. Greek or Egyptian? What text or resource has it as four chimeric species rather than two? I'm only familiar with Sophocles and the megalithic Egyptian sources, both of which are lion-human fusions. Are you perhaps refering to the lamassu (which is an Assyrian chimeric with eagle's wings, a human head, a bulls's body, and the paws of a lion) which held the same sort of benevolent "angelic" function? How could this interlink through Judaism and its textuality and historicity, especially given the quantity of time that ancient Israel spent under the control of neighboring Assyria? Indeed, wasn't Daniel put in the lion's den by an Assyrian king? And also that the Assyrio-Babylonians worshipped the feminine aspect of the godhead, Asherah, in conjunction with YHVH.

Second, the four-faced angels are the Seraphim, as in those who spawned the Nephilim, and are generally the top of the pile in hierarchies of angels.

Consider that the Lion, the Bull, and the Eagle are all considered royalty amongst their taxa, and are thus often used in ancient literature as metaphors, similes, and significators for powerful men - this was one function of the lamassu in Assyrian symbology, as a mark of royalty. As for their appearance in the Thoth and other Tarot decks - well, they were put there with conscious intent by symbologists playing upon associative sets established by Greek, Roman, Hebrew, and Egyptian sources.

Four has significance within the sense of the Tetragrammaton, although I cannot recall it's significance in Hermetic numerology, nor gematria. And what is the textual source for the Four Horsemen? Revelation of St John? A very tricky document to pare back to the other chapters of the Bible, especially given its temporal dislocation by nearly a century...also difficult to tie into the Gnostic-Manichean thought that generated astrological and cartographic divination systems, given that the former is incorporated into the NT at a post in time after the official division of the Roman Church, soon to be the Catholic Church, from the [Gnostic] heresies enumerated in the Nicean and Lateran Councils.
The Monkey
10:16 / 06.04.02
PS Giant Head - Is your name a reference to the Giant Head of Knights Templar notoriety?
Tom Coates
14:17 / 06.04.02
His name is a reference to "Third Rock From The Sun". The Big Giant Head is William Shatner. Don't ask.
—| x |—
22:15 / 06.04.02
Will Shatner is a wife killer that got off scott free.
"Beam me up, God. Oh wait, I tried to kill you with a photon torpedo in the worst film ever (Star Trek V): hope you are not too sore."

Anyway fours:
The Emperor; i.e., Laws, rules and structures. The square. Indeed, the four elements. One could propose the idea of a proper family unit: childern, parents, grand-parents and the great grandparents living under one roof. Those days are gone for most, though. YHVH, the unspeakable name of God. To know, to will, to dare, to be silent. Cut, splice, paste, loop. Look:


See that? That's the tectactrys. And note that 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10. Begin again, Finnegan! The all in the one, from my perspective or the one-many. Four corners make the box you see the world from. Destroy the box!!! Or better, build ever bigger boxes. I posit a connection to the golden mean via rectangles. Duality doubled. The shape of most Western residences. (mind, body) + (self, other) = WYSIWYG. Food, fuck, fight, and feel.


15:55 / 08.04.02
Wasn't the 4 elements a Greek invention? Platonic, I think? That escoteric system in particular is so integrated to western thought as to be simply everywhere. Its really handy, though. I still tend to translate everything through it at some point.
19:36 / 08.04.02
Yeah, that one does sneak up on you. I wonder if starting a thread on Feng Shui and the Chinese Five Element system would be worthwhile....

I've read around on #4 in numerology books, and it seems to be a not-too-auspicious number. Earth. Mundanity. L7, daddy-o.

This Ba Gua page says: 4 and 9 are Metal, and reside in West; Metal being the element of hardness, condensation, the fluid becoming the rigid (almost like Ice).

I found another page... maybe it should be its own thread.
15:47 / 09.04.02
Interesting, considering how important 4 is to western occultism. 9 is also really big in Germanic/Norse traditions, which are distinctly western as well. As well, 9 lives of cats, 9 circles of hell, 9 princes of Amber There is a lot of 9 lurking about.
gozer the destructor
16:37 / 09.04.02
I remember from my bible studies as a child that the 4 creatures represent the four immutable qualities of IHVH, Bull-Power, Eagle-Far Sightedness, Man-Love, Lion-Justice. I think, I may have fucked those up.
Wrecks City-Zen
20:25 / 09.04.02
Mr Tricks
21:28 / 09.04.02
To intersect with grant's reference to the Bagua & the chinese 5 elements... Metal is also the element that represents human artifact. It's Yin aspect is a metal bowl (which holds water) while it's Yang aspect represents a metal blade (which chops wood). Interesting how that coinsides with the 4th Tarot Emperior which represents Human structure, Building/culture. As represented by the square the plutonic shape for the earthly sphere/plane.
23:17 / 09.04.02
The three dimensions of space are represented by the animals.

The dimension of time is represented by man/angel (or peacock)

The change of symbols is represented in the thoth deck as DEATH - look at the ground and notice the scorpion- then look to the top right ( i think) and notice the eagle.Death is the card for scorpio. This communicates to me that yes, this was indeed a deliberate act to confuse the masses.

Of what, I am not sure.
23:23 / 09.04.02

IHVH - again Four- Ask me not why, but it has translated to Time becomes Space becomes in my head as of late. The numerology is:
Yod- 10
He - 5
Vau- 6
He- 5

Gosh, isn't that odd...the same as the ammount of letters in the english alphabet...

Or the 22 letters of hebrew plus the "META FOUR"
The Monkey
01:22 / 10.04.02
cusm - the idea of four elements in European natural philosophy is generally tied to Plato's Timaeus, in which he postulates five elements - the fifth being the medium ether - whose atomic structure corresponded to one of the five Platonic solids, and hence all derived from the right triangle and potentially convertable from one form to the other. Fire was a tetrahedron, air an icosahedron, earth a cube, ether a dodecahedron, and water a octahedron - or some assembly like that. Ether, being nonterrestial, was essentialy left out of natural sciences, having no properties...hence 4.
The Monkey
01:39 / 10.04.02
Ladies and gents, it's all about the primes, the squares, the occasional cube, a few multiplication tables of primes. The ancient wise ones didn't come up with these numbers out of the blue. Complex mathematics as a domain of abstract thought has coexisted with mysticism and magical thinking since Mesopotamia (where they have excavated thousands of clay tablets of math problems, like taking eight digit numbers to the 4th power, or finding the cube root of 15 digit numbers. All in modulo 60, too boot).

PS the basic gematric on IHVH is 8...remember, you add the 2 and 6 of twenty six. furthermore, the degree of significane of this revelation should be gauged in light of the fact that English language has had, at varying times, between 26 and 28 "letters", and sometimes less, not to mention that there are actually 52 written characters, counting majescule and miniscule, without complicating the situation by looking at the fact that Hebrew is a phonetic writing system at its base (one character = one sound) while English is vastly complicated by dipthongization and mutliple sounds being assigned to a single character, often in a redundant fashion.

And I still haven't found a reference for a Sphinx with four seperate animal components.
04:36 / 10.04.02
<: Ook,ook The hunt is on Monkey sage - for 30 years those have been the components that created that structure in my universe This of course does not mean that I may be wrong
Lord knows the lies I've been fed.
Santa,my hairy butt.

Let the number game begin!

1+2+3+4= 10 - that explains our existence in a 10 dimensional universe that we perceive as 4 - no? Where are the other 6? man created on the 6 th day, this has been accepted as the number of man... and oddly as the numbers of creation in the book Only Six Numbers (I think ) Martin Reese ... so we can agree on that association, I hope. [ Then we can go deeper in to the 26 concept and look at it as 2|6 ala the original 2, whatever names they have]

The emperor yes. Consider also the original position of the fourth rune Ansuz (answers?)The "God" rune (or mouth)."A" moving to the first position 'No other Gods B-4 me'

This is why too much occult literature is a bad thing sometimes...:>

<: PS: er, what do you mean Tom?? Oh, that annoying thing... :>
21:09 / 10.04.02
And I said "HEAD!! I am going to killlllllll you..." What an eyesore....
22:56 / 11.04.02
<: Hey, I just realized there is a massive ommition in my first post...which is odd bacause I do remember typing it...:>

Question: Why the change from "Eagle/Phionex" to "Scorpio(n)" Was this to confuse and throw the masses off track of something big???

God, I had another question also...
20:14 / 24.04.02
<:Four amino acids create life. There has got to be a connection there as well...:>
01:07 / 25.04.02
DNA & The I Ching
13:12 / 25.04.02
Was it Terrence McKennet who did the work on showing the mathmatical connection between the I-Ching and DNA? I recall hearing about that idea before.

The primal patterns of nature manifest themselves on all levels of reality.
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