Basic plan:
Meet up around 3.30 on Mayday. We need a minimum of 25 people for this to work, so if you're coming - bring a friend (preferably 2 or 3). We really can't have too many people and it really is important so big this up to all your friends.
Try, if you can, to dress in white. Bring thermoses of tea, packets of biscuits and battery-powered stereos if you've got 'em. The tea is important.
We will be meeting roughly in the Kings Cross area, Bill and Gozer are finalising the route - exact location will be revealed at the last minute.
We also have an urgent need for a van or some other means of transporting all the placards from my house to the meet up point. Who's volunteering to sort this out? Stoatie, are you still on it?
Also, fairly hefty costs have been incurred (by me) in sorting out the placards. Any donations on the day are most welcome. |