Yes - the French with an acute over the first 'e'. Haus, there's a link to the Latin, 'factitius' (factitious) as well, according to the OED.
It's interesting, isn't it, how the word has become inflected differently in different discourses: from the early, anthropological meaning of an inanimate object regarded with dread, or worshipped as having having magical powers, or as being animated by a spirit, to the everyday figurative meaning of something irrationally reverenced, the psychoanalytic (Freudian) meaning of a security prop (disguising the actuality of a lack), and the Marxist meaning of a commodity that supplies a human want.
As for what's my fetish (which I don't equate with 'kink'), I'm not really sure. I've kept a couple of my father's old fountain pens, but very rarely use them. And I do really do like fresh stationery. But... books, perhaps. And candles. But not bells. |