n. Slang
1. The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.
2. Aggressive energy; initiative: “His prose has moxie, though it rushes and stumbles from a pent-up surge” (Patricia Hampl).
3. Skill; know-how.
n. pl. gus·toes
1. Vigorous enjoyment; zest. See Synonyms at zest.
2. Individual taste.
3. Archaic. Artistic style.
According to dictionary.com, moxie would be the more potent force as it actually pertains to know-how and skill, whereas gusto is all about style. In a world where style matters, gusto rules with fists of steel, albeit elegantly-gloved ones.
Gusto's also more of an eating thing, too; at the dining table, moxie goes right out the door. Nobody eats with moxie. Whereas gusto is seen in all the best places... |