I live in Ontario, and don’t find this to be the case at all. From what you said it sounds like you only took one course, which covers the basics, as it were. At the school I attended we had about five history classes, including "Modern Canadian History" at the grade thirteen level. That course included summaries of all the recent Canadian Prime Ministers and what they did to benefit or harm our nation.
Also, I was attending a philosophy class at the time of his death and it was discussed over and over until we knew just about his whole life’s story. So, with that and our standard history classes, there seems to be an all around coverage of Canadian History.
Anyhow, what you said about a lack of "substantial overview" -- the majority of Canadian history seems to be covered by what you said was taught, if only in little detail.
E.g. The Formative Years, The Great Wars and The Seventies.
Trudeau was only one Prime Minister, and although he made a rather large impact on Canadian society he doesn’t necessarily deserve a lot of study... in high school anyways. There isn’t a whole lot of time to cover every little thing in grisly detail in high school, especially if there is only one history course offered. Just to note, I’m not condoning the education system in any way. Bah.
Besides everyone should know about Prime Minister Mackenzie and his thirteen or so Scottie dogs all named Pap. |