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CNN using footage of celebrating Palestinians from 1991??!?!?

Regrettable Juvenilia
15:54 / 13.09.01
Forwarded to me, not sure I should post the guy's address - I'm sure it'll circulate very quickly...

quote:> > >There's an important point in the power of press, specifically the power of CNN.

All around the world we are subjected to 3 or 4 huge news distributors, and one of them - as you well know - is CNN. Very well, I guess all of you have been seeing (just as I've been) images from this company. In particular, one set of images called my attention: the Palestinians celebrating the bombing, out on the streets, eating some cake and making funny faces for the camera.
> > >

Those are images of Palestinians celebrating the invasion of Kuwait! It's simply unacceptable that a super-power of communications as CNN uses images which do not correspond to the reality in talking about so serious an issue.
> > >
> > >A teacher of mine, here in Brazil, has videotapes recorded in 1991, with the very same images; he's been sending emails to CNN, Globo (the major TV network in Brazil) and newspapers, denouncing what I myself classify as a crime against the public opinion. If anyone of you has access to this kind of files, search for it. In the meanwhile, I'll try to 'put my hands' on a copy of this tape.
> > >
> > >But now, think for a moment about the impact of such images. Your people is hurt, emotionally fragile, and this kind broadcast have very high possibility of causing waves of anger and rage against Palestinians. It's simply irresponsible to show images such as those.

Any way of confirming this? It really wouldn't surprise me if it were true...
Naked Flame
15:57 / 13.09.01

it would still be irresonsible to show the images if they were filmed on Tuesday. how can you film 10 people dancing and cheering and say '*Palestine* celebrates?' how are those people representative? and even if they are, how does it help the situation?
Fist Fun
16:00 / 13.09.01
Even having seen the film it just looks like a bunch of kids jumping and shouting. They just look like a bunch of neds.
Naked Flame
16:08 / 13.09.01
update on that... that chunk of vid is about the only clip you can't download off maybe they realise it was a goof.
Naked Flame
16:13 / 13.09.01

looks like we won't be getting any new footage, in any case.

[ 13-09-2001: Message edited by: Naked Flame ]
16:15 / 13.09.01

I realize that this isn't 100% confirmed, but allow me to jump the gun for a sec and say...


I never thought I'd say this, but, thank God for the internet. What are the odds that this information, or even the alternative commentary and news presented here, would ever have gotten anyewhere near the public. I shudder to think what how I would be reating right now without this board or the forwards I'm receiving from friends.
Richard Morgan
16:26 / 13.09.01
Like to say that the conversations and thoughts over the last few days would be nothing without this board and its participants. and its commentators, including this board, should be proud.
17:07 / 13.09.01
That clip wasn't 'Hat Baby', was it?

The Knowledge +1
17:30 / 13.09.01
That's some fucked up shit. Completely irresponsible.

Need I say the word propaganda?

In this day and age people are too intelligent to agree with carpet-bombing a few countries on a whim. So, the government tries to bracket the country in question into one big problem that can be dealt with swiftly, ensuring a quick return to relative normalacy.

Now they're gonna say "Afghanistan is harbouring a known hater of the USA and refuses to deport him because the evidence is unsubstantial, when we have shown you it is not, so now we must bomb them for their insubordination."

But when this happens, ask yourself, how do we know without doubt that the evidence is 100% fool-proof? And how do we know what the official responses of Afghanistan are or will be?
autopilot disengaged
17:31 / 13.09.01
this is completely second-hand, but one of the indymedia sites had this same discussion. someone there said they'd studied the footage and whenever it was from, it was later than '91. apparently there's some model of car in there that wouldn't have been released at the time, a new-style pepsi machine as well.

like i say, how reliable this is i can't say. but indymedia, at least, seem to have come to the conclusion the footage is more recent (though no one can confirm it's actually current).

i don't think anyone's actually denied there were occasional outpourings of anti-US feeling on the streets...

...for me the important thing is the way they're using the thing like a fucking flashcard to signal arabs = evil: arabs no like you: arabs laugh when people hurt etc etc.

and people are buying it. earlier on today i set up a thread for examples of obvious propaganda in the media. to be honest, going back with a critical eye, i've actually found less than i originally imagined. but check out any of the boards attatched to the news sites and you will see some seriously unreconstructed views, where foreign policy is measured in megatons.

the polls support it - the majority of americans seem to want retaliation - even at the expense of innocents (this was worded into the question) - a strike at this point, much as i hate admitting it, probably would be broadly democratic.

NYC2001: what the fuck is going on?
Ethan Hawke
18:50 / 13.09.01
Here is a link from Slate giving the name of the photographers who shot the current footage, and the fact that the PLO is threatening anyone who airs the footage:

Slate links
Mr Tricks
22:22 / 13.09.01
hmmm... I instantly suspected that footage when I first saw it...

So is there any sorce for conferming this?

such a source could prove VERY useful...
11:23 / 14.09.01
I remember studying the British media’s coverage of the Million Man March back in college. The photos used were clearly from around forty-fifty years ago (cut of the suits, style of the glasses).

The suggested discrepancies with the current footage wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Bill Posters
13:47 / 14.09.01
And for yet another variation on this theme, a barrage of emails has just hit me containing the claim, from an alleged Palestinian, that:

"i have tears in my eyes now because of the horrible image you are getting from news!!! it is wrong...i am begging you, my friends,
not to believe what you see......Palestinians were celebrating the withdrawal of the Israeli army from the palestinian city, jenin!!!"

If anyone can think of some way of checking this claim, do let us know!
14:06 / 14.09.01
Hmm.... Only unless they were celebrating the Israeli invasion of Jenin. Jenin was invaded by Israeil forces the day before the bombing and fighting is still going on in there.
Bill Posters
14:20 / 14.09.01
bio k9
18:11 / 14.09.01
quote:Originally posted by moriarty:

I never thought I'd say this, but, thank God for the internet. What are the odds that this information...would ever have gotten anyewhere near the public. I shudder to think what how I would be reating right now without this board or the forwards I'm receiving from friends.

But its really hard to suss out all of the shit isn't it? For me, any info I come across on the net has to come from a source I know to be reliable (one that has established operations in other types of media) or be verified by outside sources. Otherwise I assume someone is just talking out of their ass.

Assume, just for a moment, that the celebration footage was genuine. I can think of at least two reasons people would want to try to discredit it (and the media outlets that aired it).
Naked Flame
20:01 / 14.09.01
It's not from 1991. BBC just aired the same snippet and there was a kid wearing a WWF t-shirt, which looked pretty old and raggedy.

They also aired footage of Palestinian liberals holding a vigil for the American/world dead, and pointed out that there are far fewer liberals around since the inception of the intafada.

even if the footage were fake, you don't have to be a genius to figure some would be overjoyed at something like 9/11. It was a painful thing to see but I hope all those people that freaked at that image see the vigil footage too.
Mordant Carnival
20:21 / 14.09.01
...and even the programs running the (bogus?) footage are now fessing up and saying that if celebrations are going on they are happening in a refugee camp and a couple of streets in the occupied territories.

I bet most Palestinians are sitting around glued to their radios and fucking bricking it in case the West decides to make an example of them.
autopilot disengaged
09:48 / 19.09.01
quoteear all,

Last September 13, I've sent an email to a social theory list in which I provided some information about the falsity of the images of Palestinian celebration for the terrorism in USA, information given to me by a teacher. I spent the last day looking for that teacher, and, unfortunately, when I found her, she DENIED having access to such

She said that she was sure she had seen the images back in 1991, but SHE CAN'T PROVE. She was not willing to provide further information, DENYING what she had said before to a full class of students.

I sincerely apologize for this uncertain information; unfortunately I can't prove the information contained in my last post; IT'S ONLY A CONJECTURE, THAT THOSE IMAGES OF PALESTINIANS CELEBRATING IS FALSE. I
bought the idea myself, and reproduced it for you because of the importance of it, in the case it was to be confirmed.

Whatever news I get I'll pass to you.

Best regards

Márcio A. V. Carvalho
State University of Campinas - Brazil

from indymedia.

case closed?
09:58 / 19.09.01
Someone emailed me a couple days ago that this was '91 footage... I was gonna post it here but didn't know how reliable it was (it was on a mailing list & I don't know the guy who sent me it).
BUT- whether it's fake or not, it was already bugging me that "widespread celebrations" in an area that is absolutely CRAWLING with Western journalists would have turned up ONE piece of footage... I mean, if it was that fucking "widespread" surely someone ELSE would have shot some too?
I'll try and find out the guy's sources.
Bill Posters
10:56 / 19.09.01
We prolly know this by now but 'twould seem that this is just another rumour, see:

for details of this one, Nostradamus, the man who surfed the debris of the collapsing WTC, etc etc etc.

First casualty of war anyone?!
Ethan Hawke
11:03 / 19.09.01
quote:Originally posted by stoatie:

BUT- whether it's fake or not, it was already bugging me that "widespread celebrations" in an area that is absolutely CRAWLING with Western journalists would have turned up ONE piece of footage... I mean, if it was that fucking "widespread" surely someone ELSE would have shot some too?

You haven't seen the footage because Arafat said he "could not guarantee the safety" of anyone showing the footage shot that day. See my link above for more info.
17:59 / 19.09.01
Well all it would take to get people riled up is 10 people and a guy with a camera, with appropriate commentary..

we'd all do well to remember this

::edited for spelling::

[ 19-09-2001: Message edited by: Voidmind ]
Jack The Bodiless
22:58 / 20.09.01
Nah, still don't buy it. And even if it was footage representative of the mood of the Palestinian people, it's virtually criminal of CNN to show it at that time, if at all. A better way to foster a hate crime mentality, I cannot imagine. Stupid cunts.
23:54 / 20.09.01
...whether or not it was true to the situation, it was put out there and the people consumed it and passed it out...the message is forever different nonetheless...
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