Wow, yesterday evening ROCKED.
A true indie event - Steve Lammacq was there and everything (I was kind of amused by the fact that everyone in the whole place recognised him, but couldn't be arsed to talk to him, or even comment on his presence, such a non-entity is he).
80s MBBLD made an absolutely hideous racket and are *heavily indebted* to the Birthday Party .. but were strangely shit. Just didn't have the requisite drive, and also sported exceedingly bad greebo fashion decisions. Bloody oiks making a racket for no good reason.
The Parkinson's are the genetically engineered PERFECT PUNK BAND. They take all the best bits of the Ramones, the Stooges and the Pistols and combine them with such joy as to laugh in the face of kill-joy critics who say old school punk died in '79. They are skinny and wirey and shirtless and the singer looks like he was drawn by Paul Pope. They jump into the audience and randomly bludgeon people with guitars. They will have had sex with a lot of young women before the year is out. They RULE.
IKARA COLT rule even more - they conform to my blue-print for a 'perfect band' so well I think I may have accidentally made them up and set them loose upon the world. They make an even better noise than the other two bands, their songs go at about 1000mph, they have tons of crypric, shoutable slogans. And image & attitude wise, they are just THE COOLEST BAND IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. The singer looks and behaves almost exactly like Bernard Black. The guitarist is like Kim Gordon. The bass player is like DeeDee Ramone. Only younger and angrier on all three counts. They are so cool it hurts.
In fact, I implore all London Barbelithers with any punk rock fire at all left in their hearts to FUCKING GET DOWN THERE WITH GLINT TO SEE IKARA COLT. Honestly, they're the best band I've seen in absolutely ages (and I've seen some pretty good bands recently) - they are so where it's at.
I think you get the idea. |