So, having hummed, hawed, chewed, squeezed and botoxed the fat, where do we stand on Torture Garden? It's this Friday, after all (although I've not seen any paper or email flyer to confirm this) and those of us determined to attend the thing ought to begin planning for the weekend.
My own questions:
1) Is it definitely Friday?
2) What's the theme? Can I get int with 'standard' non-themed leather gear?
3) Is there a cloakroom?
4) Where is Torture Garden? Is it still at Mass, in Brixton?
5) Are we having a pre-club dressing-up meet? If so, where? (My rather undersized and out-of-the-way place is up for grabs if there're no other suggestions).
6) If we're not having a pre-show thing, what are the arrangements?
7) What's Rothkoid wearing (other than his super-hard boots)? |