bloody hell this could be good! spy 51 have just emailed me to say they're supporting bratmobile at the camden underworld tomorrow (25th) night. being a grovelley ligger means i might get in cheaper than the average bod, and i haven't even heard bratmobile, but it sounds like a great night out.
They're amazing! Well, on the downside they're a re-formed punk band, but if they are half as good as they used to be... drool. You'll love them, I promise.
bratmobile were playing in brighton last night but i didn't get to go. however, i did download a song to see what they were like(panik), and they sound pretty good - all riot grrrl punky power pop.
did anyone here go to this gig? if they did, write about it in here because i went to their brighton show the day before, and interviewed them for my thesis and it was one of the most incredible shows i've ever seen! no, really!
suds - not very helpful to say so, but i didn't go in the end. glad you had a great time and i'd love to know what was said in the interview, but i think i've just about had it with gigs. been going to em for nearly 22 years - enough, i think!