Sorted - there's a small technical vicotry for an HTML spaz.
This is a copy of the text that I e-mailed out with all the flyers, just in case you needed more info:
"Thanks for your interest and support. This is the finished high res flyer, which'll be fine however you want to distribute it (poster, physical flyer, e-mail). Even if you just e-mal it to everyone you know, backed by a recommendation, I'll be very appreciative. The venue has a 350 capacity, and it would be amazing to get that many punters on the night. For practical purposes, we get our £200 deposit back if the bar makes more than £250 (this should be easy).
I say again: even if you can't make it on the night, e-mail this to neveryone you know in London. Link it back to the following threads if you want to provide more info:
Original planning thread, with lengthy description of the aid work organised through Save the Children and I-to-I:
Currently running publicity thread:
Group working thread - spiritual support:
This is going to be an amazing evening, and if it's successful I see no reason why we can't do more of them (if all our lovely contributors - and the venue - are up for it). Lets pack the bugger out!" |