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Artists who inspire.

18:29 / 25.03.02
Inspired partly from Cameron saying that looking too closely at Quitely's work makes him want to draw, I ask, which artists continually recharge your faith in art, or at least spur you on to be creative yourself?

I just recently took a few hours out scouring the Shane Glines message board looking for a certain artist I had seen ages ago. Jose Garibaldi has drawn these nice little Spider-Man and Wolverine vignettes.

His use of little panels showing slow moving action, along with the contrast between Peter and his friends hanging out with Peter's electrifying origin montage makes me want to dive right into my Shifter story, even though there's nothing at all similar between the two. It gets me all excited to draw!

Anyone else?
pointless and uncalled for
18:43 / 25.03.02
Jan Saudek

Just beginning with his simple demonstrations of contructed images and juxtapositions have led me to want to open my own path like this.

He says that he is too shy to portray the lives of other so he portrays his own.

There is much to be said about this picture and I won't ruin it for you by trying as I think that the picture says it so much better than I ever could.

[ 25-03-2002: Message edited by: heterodox ]
09:03 / 26.03.02
writing wise for me over the past two years it has to be Patrick kavanagh- amazing irish poet and also Louis MacNiece, another seriously and i mean seriously underrated poet from up north. i'll always want to write haiku because of this work by jack cain

An empty elevator
09:03 / 26.03.02
Tony Millionaire is an enormous source for me at the moment.

I love the delicacy of the linework, the textbook/ natural history illustration style, the air of creeping madness. Particularly with Maakies, his strip cartoon (I was going to put one here but it's too wide), I love the versatility of the form he uses; mixing of the 'victoriana' from Sock Monkey with much more straight-ahead cartoon stuff, and the occasional excursion into 19th Century German printmaking. Plus the little gag strip at the bottom. Brilliant, dense, whimsical, abrasive.
09:03 / 26.03.02
as a writer i would say there are two: clive barker - the way he *constructs* fantastic worlds/characters opens doors for me, pushes my imagination a bit further. also, the music of coil and lustmord keep me on the right path.

a big mention should also go to george orwell, tho he inspires me in a whole different way, i.e. when i'm doing interviews and journo writing, as do joan smith and jeanette winterson.
The Return Of Rothkoid
09:03 / 26.03.02
I'd have to say that I'd big-up Haruki Murakami and (violinist) Warren Ellis for the same reasons: they create stuff that just seems to fit a space so well, and they do it without making the creative process appear to be anything other than natural. It seems easy with them, I guess - that inspires me a lot, and helps, confidence-wise. It's a simple honesty that makes me feel good about the act of creation, I guess.

And secretly, I wish I were Tony Millionaire, too. I almost had a scone!
11:14 / 26.03.02
Why did Cameron say that looking too closely at Quitely's work is what inspires him?

My most recent was, oddly enough, Baz Luhrman's Moulin Rouge, which I thought was in the end a colossal failure & that's what inspired me. I love a bold gesture, and a bold gesture that succeeds is too intimidating to be inspiring... a bold gesture that fails, though! I thought that MR was about sheer scale, color, pastiche, picture composition & it didn't hurt that it showed you that all this was hung on a pretty basic story. And it basically *didn't work* and why, and would it work like this, or like this? And off to the races.
pointless and uncalled for
11:49 / 26.03.02
Maybe it's not quite what you expect in a thread about inspiration but Anne Geddes inspires me in a way.

She makes me want to ensure that I never indulge in such insipid, nauseating, emotional pandering. Frankly, as a photographer, I find it an insult to see her work on the same shelves as other photographers. I'm adamantly against any form of book burning, but in her case I will make a very large exception.
gozer the destructor
12:21 / 26.03.02
I always find Mark E Smith great to go back to when im stuck musically for a bit of direction, as well as the manchester working class lad with a self made education thing that always keeps me going, the guy just doesn't stop writting and recording, and he's always got at least 4 trks on an album worth listening to even though he's on like the falls 40th album.

Eeh your a good lad, here is a pound note!
Saint Keggers
00:26 / 28.03.02
I guess my post got lost in the metamorphosis...

Louis Royo(Illustrator)ne of the best Fanstasy Illustrators working to day
Dru Blair(Illustrator):so photo-realistic it makes reality look bad.
Howard Shatz(photographer): Wow..just wow.
Yusef Karsh (photographer): The Uberest of Uberphotographers. Portraits such as the famous one of Churchill. (and he's a canuck!!!)
And one day I will be on the list!!
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