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Things that crawl out of the toilet and bite your arse

Doctor V
17:07 / 20.03.02
Some pals of mine are working on a short movie and asked me to do a bit of research for 'em. I'm looking for information about water monsters and man-beasts in the Grendel vein, tales about cursed places, and reports of things crawling into peoples bathrooms via the u-bend.

Can anyone recomend books or websites on those subjects?

Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:38 / 20.03.02
Ew. Hell, no!

But I bet Snopes can.
Doctor V
09:25 / 21.03.02

Cool, that's the sorta thing I'm looking for, urban and ancient legend, bizarre things reported as fact, obscure myths, anything that's been documented really.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:54 / 21.03.02
Well, snopes has a searchable database, so knock yerself out. (A word of warning: this site can just eat up your day if you're not careful.)
Jackie Susann
09:54 / 21.03.02
There's a well-known Aussie folk song called 'Redback on the Toilet Seat', does that count?
09:54 / 21.03.02
"I didn't see it in the dark
but I sure felt its bite..."

ah, memories.

12:51 / 21.03.02
I'm pretty sure The Straight Dope had a thing on rats in sewer pipes.

Yes, they can actually navigate through a waste pipe into the toilet.

Also the John Sayles movie "Alligator" and Thomas Pynchon's "V" both featured the primal glory of gators in the sewers.
Doctor V
15:20 / 21.03.02
That's the sorta thing I'm after, but anyone got 'factual' tales of towns or communties who have been cursed, and then something terrible happen to them.

Is anyone familar with 'Voice of the Fire' the novel by Alan Moore. It's based on events that took place in and around Northampton. One chapter features a village whose entire inhabitants disapeared but for one man. Is this based on a actual legend, or did Mr. Moore invent it for the book?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:31 / 21.03.02
Doesn't ring any bells. Maybe you could put a more specific query in the Magick forum? Some of the posters there might know.
the Fool
01:52 / 22.03.02
There was a shit demon in Dogma...
13:24 / 22.03.02
There are a few stories of missing towns - actually, the West is filled with 'ghost towns' (towns which were abandoned when the gold ran out or the train switched lines).

One of the most vivid to me, though, comes from Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run, where a bunch of vampires move into a town that's been flooded by a new dam project. Underwater vampires are scary.

There's also the Florida town of Rosewood, but that's an ugly story and not at all legendary. Look up the movie by the same name for more background. I also told the story in the Switchboard thread about whose government was worse.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
08:42 / 23.03.02
Sure, but the book is set in Britain; we're a bit short on ghost towns. I don't recall hearing of anything like this.
Not Here Still
08:42 / 23.03.02
There are a few Welsh legends about missing or flooded towns.

There is also an actual town which was flooded to make a resevoir for Liverpool, which always reminds me of the Swamp Thing story - and inspired 'Ready for Drowning' by the Manic Street Prechers.

A few Welsh legends here, a couple of flooded land stories

Legend of Bala Lake

A little on the flooded villages:

When the valley of the Afon Tryweryn in Gwynedd... was flooded in 1965 to create a regulating reservoir, the inhabitants of 4 settlements where rehoused.

In addition to this, graves in the churchyard had to be exhumed and reburied elsewhere. Smallpox, is only infectious for a short time but exhumation of a whole churchyard can be an emotive issue even without threat of an infectious disease epidemic.

Eeew! (And it's true)

Further info.

This piece includes a reference to one of Wales' few paramilitary organisations - the Free Wales Army. The FWA were, by all accounts, a bit shit to say the least - but they were rallied round by the cause of the Tryweryn reservoir...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:49 / 23.03.02
Flooded, yes ("The Bells of Aberdovey" and so forth- 'scuse spelling), but we don't seem to have much in the way of mysteriously vanishing village populations.
11:23 / 25.03.02
quote:Originally posted by the Fool:
There was a shit demon in Dogma...

[off-topic] There was a shit 'plot' too. [/off-topic]
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