Queer Granny Designs is now open to the public! Shirts have been ordered from the printer & should be ready by the week's end...
If you would like to order through the website, then you’re lovely and be my guest. All profits from QG will either go back into the business or back to Tom to support the board, so the mark-up is your extra contribution to Barbelith.
However, registered Barbelith members can also order via PMs and get special Barbe prices, which basically reflect the break-even cost of the shirts plus shipping & handling. If you are ordering multiple shirts, I will figure out your postage so’s you don’t get overcharged --esp. for int’l orders.
Barbe-price for one shirt, incl. S&H:
* U.S. orders: $11.25
* Int’l orders: $15.75
I did make a small error in my earlier calculations, so the above prices are a smidge higher than previously quoted in the Barbe tees thread. If I already quoted you a price in a PM or email, stick with that price & we’re square.
How to order:
* PM me with the number of shirts you want, the size(s), and your name and address.
* I will PM you back with my name and address where you can send your check, money order, or international money order.
* When I PM you that I’ve shipped your order, please send me money.
At Barbe prices, does my purchase help the board?
Yes, indeed. First of all, you are participating in this anarcho-capitalist experiment to spread more desirable psychocultural memes at affordable prices. Second and seriously, at this stage, the object of the game is to pay for the initial set-up costs id est for the screens. Then bingo, the unit cost drops --after that all we pay for are the shirts-- and that’s when the board makes money, from the Barbe-priced shirts and the retail-priced ones.
How and when will more designs become available?
Basically a shirt has to have the potential to sell at least 24 to get to printerland. For other designs, I will either make iron-on t-shirts or make the design available on CafePress & will figure in $1 per shirt for Barbelith.
There is a barter option for the iron-on shirts; but be forewarned that iron-on shirts are not going to be available on demand, because I have to feel like making them...
Bonus Queer Granny special service:
I did actually rent a Queer Granny P.O. box and I've set up a lovely Excel spreadsheet for the QG accounts, so I'm pretty well set up to also take contributions to the board from people who don't have credit cards/PayPal. Any such contributions will be passed directly through the QG accounts to the Barbelith fund via PayPal transfer.
If you've been itching to make a contribution to the board, PM me and I will send you my name & address where you can send your check or money order.
That's all for now... oh, if this thread could be kept for questions about the business side of QG or about the website (especially if you find problems!), I'd like to keep t-shirt ideas, designs, and feedback on the original Barbe tees thread.
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