A couple of months ago I posted a request for Barbelith comic scribes to bombard me with scripts to illustrate. Here's the first one past the post, a six-pager written by sleazenation. Teaser:
See the rest here. Click on "One's a Crowd" (top right hand corner of the menu screen).
Fantastic stuff. Diseased weirdness. I am very excited about seeing what you do with my thing for the collaborative comics project (working title Name's Not Down), which I should get to you in the next couple of days (well, this week)...
mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmm, that's good stuff. My competitive spirit is aroused, the studio calls! Funny coincidence - the thing in front of Jenny in the queue looks a lot like one of her many suitors, as appearing in the forthcoming Sax/Lentil collaboration.