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the read/write club goes "zzzzzz..."

autopilot disengaged
09:30 / 12.03.02

a while ago, in the 'remake the creation' thread, i suggested the formation of a readers' circle of dedicated creatives - a salon in which work would be exchanged via private mail, but then discussed and dissectd in the open. here.

it would be bloody and it would be brutal. it would consist of people who are happy to submit to a living autopsy and hold the anaesthetic.

gaining some affirmative grunts to this plan, i dispatched a copy of a recent short story, 'the unrequited king' to those who were more affirmative and less grunty.

and then...


is anyone still up for this idea? if not, why not? what are you scribbling freaks afraid of? scared to get YR HANDS DIRTY?

i DEMAND constructive criticism.
09:30 / 12.03.02
I'd be interested in reading and critqueing a work, but since I don't have any work of my own other than some minor scribblings that I haven't fleshed out, I haven't stepped forward to volunteer or anything. I just didn't want to hear somebody say "well its not like you can do any better" after evey critique I make.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:30 / 12.03.02

But in a very affirmative way.
autopilot disengaged
16:46 / 12.03.02
right. am going to mail you both my story and fuck the consequences, or lack thereof.

if there's anything you want to say about it in private, PMing me is fine, as an alt. once we've had a bit of a feedback session - we can move on to something either one of you have written. or something by someone else who joins in, whatever. but someone should claim the next spot ASAP - that's the way it'll work. people who've already read others' work get priority.

should it be the read/write/rewrite club? maybe - 'welcome to the acid bath...'
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:04 / 12.03.02
That's cool. Do you want me to comment privately or shall I flay you alive in the public forum?
Ethan Hawke
17:04 / 12.03.02
Hey, autopilot, you said in the original thread you were going to e-mail me your story and you didn't. I'm still interested!
autopilot disengaged
17:30 / 12.03.02
weird - todd - i actually mailed you the story just after i did mordant (>cough< ).

check the times!

and as for public/private feedback... follow yr heart. though it'd be nice to have a little discussion at least here.
10:18 / 13.03.02
Has this already crashed and burned, or is all the feedback private?

<knocks on his computer monitor>

Look, I know you little computer people are in there. Speak up!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:29 / 14.03.02
autopilot: Just a note to say that I'll get back to you on the story after the weekend. Ta!
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