MiKL: do you mean that it takes you a moment to understand?
And Jade, saying that your last one was really easy means that I'm going to look really daft if I get it wrong!
girl under pressure? it makes more sense than anything else I could think of.
Still stuck on EtradingR, (any other clues, m3?) but thinking about it has popped another quizzer into my brain. Heeeeere it is:
space manoeuvre manoeuvre manoeuvre manoeuvre
And some clues on my other three that haven't been 'got' yet:
Speech: "A,B,C,D,E...."
Cognition: "1,2,3,4,5...."
might be more helpfully written as:
Speech: "A,B,C,D,E...."
Thought: "1,2,3,4,5...."
Speech goes through the alphabet, but...
and as for this one:
ev [without clothes on] en
If Captain Zoom's shop wasn't doing too well, he might say he was " ... "
Something's missing, and I've singled out a particular row with aterisks.
One final thought - what do you think of the idea that people reveal the answers if puzzles remain unsolved for over a week?
[ 15-03-2002: Message edited by: a Man Called Lentil ] |