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passion shared

12:34 / 05.03.02
I once did a photo essay on the people in my life that I love, each one illustrating an aspect of their personality that made them so uniquely them (not necessarily a postive aspect). not particularly inspired, true, but very fun to make. I propose a sharing of the medium you favor coupled with an aspect of your life that you feel passionately about.

how to share? I first thought about just scanning pics in, but the tangible element makes the whole idea more appealing to me, so instead Id like to suggest one box, making its rounds among us.

a predetermined size (say, a large shoebox). and do we keep whats inside, or pass it along with our new addition included?

anyone interested?
13:20 / 05.03.02
that's pretty cool actually. do you have in mind a single container getting gradually filled up, or people sending stuff to one address (yours, say) for compilation. And are we talking about 'art' objects made by each person, or could they be memorabilia and keepsakes that each contributor feels defines them in some way?
13:40 / 05.03.02
I was kinda thinking of putting something in and sending it to the next person on the list, who would place something in it as well, then send it on to someone else. I dont know if it would be better for each person to take the last thing out (which would keep the shipping costs to a managable level) or just to keep filling it up (so that everyone gets to see what everyone else has added instead of just the last thing)

I think whatever you wanted to add...that you dont mind parting with!
14:14 / 05.03.02
Sounds interesting. Just don't send it to Encopresis Boy...
14:33 / 05.03.02
now thats not nice

( who is this soiler, anyway?)
14:38 / 05.03.02
(Try the 'trolls' thread up in Policy...)
Captain Zoom
22:36 / 05.03.02
I'll do it. In fact, if I'm feeling inspired today or tomorrow, I'll start it. I'll stick something in a box and send it out.

Only problem is I'd be a little jealous of the 8th or 9th (optimistically) person who got it 'cause there'd be such cool stuff in there to see. How to go about solving that? How about it can be sent back to a person, but only if they contribute another thing to the box each time it comes around to them?

Just a thought. Even if it didn't come back, knowing that you've contributed to this ever-evolving work of art would be great.

pointless and uncalled for
10:36 / 06.03.02
Might I suggest that, should it arise, that this form of creation be combined with some kind of ICBM. In addition to that, each person should only know who sent the item to them and who they sent it too. I would add to the character of the piece to have some degree of anonymity.
14:38 / 08.03.02
I like this!

my shame in your lack of interest in my idea will not overcome my desire to make it live!

Captain Zoom
14:42 / 08.03.02

I've got one or two things I'll send out. How big a box should I use? Shoe box?

We're The Great Old Ones Now
15:00 / 08.03.02
I'm being obtuse. Explain this one by the numbers for me.
18:30 / 08.03.02
you create something: medium of your preference (story, photo, whatever), displaying something that you feel passionate about. your political views, your dog, your religion, your favorite pants, whatever

you put it in a box, ship it off to another barbelith member. they put something in, ship it to someone else. its still up in the air whether the person keeps whats inside before adding their bit and sending it off....
Captain Zoom
18:42 / 08.03.02
Well, if whatever arrived at your doorstep was so moving that you wanted to keep it, then you should do so. If something I created touched someone that deeply, I'd want them to have it. And if not, simply ship it on to the next person. I really, really am going to come up with something this weekend and ship it out on Monday. Who wants to be first to get it?

Captain Zoom
23:06 / 08.03.02
I thought of a couple of other good guidelines. Hope no one minds.

When you receive the box, you should post here to let everyone know where it is.

If you are removing something from the box, assuming we decide to go that way, you should also post that here, and say whose contribution you're removing.

That's assuming that we're going to put our names (ficsuit or real) on the things that we put in the box. I guess that's up to the individual.

Let me know what you think.

14:38 / 11.03.02
I think I'd like the idea of keeping everything in the box in the box. If you like it, copy it somehow.

I'm getting a vague memory that this happened in an episode of Northern Exposure.

Sign me up.
14:47 / 11.03.02
Im thinking I like keeping everything in the box, too. the only real drawbacks are that it limits the size of your creation (and if money is an issue, then shipping might hurt a bit). but zooms the first person to volunteer, I suppose Ill be the second. whos getting the box from me?

if we could get any serious interest in this, Id like to see it go around a few times...
Captain Zoom
11:33 / 01.04.02
The box will be going out in a couple of days.
A travelling museum of Barbelith art. I really hope this doesn't flounder after a few goes round. I'd like it to come back to me one day so I can see everything.

17:28 / 01.04.02
who is it going to, me?

damn, now I have to get off my lazy butt and create something
Captain Zoom
19:28 / 09.04.02
Yup, it's going to you BK, but I've got to apologize for the lateness. I'd meant to send it out last week, but it's not ready yet.

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