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Creation and Open Source

We're The Great Old Ones Now
05:56 / 04.03.02
I was wondering how people viewed their work here - collaborative efforts which should be seen as collectively owned, or Open Source projects which are free for all?
Spatula Clarke
21:49 / 05.03.02
I'd guess that the nature of both the board and the 'Net itself would suggest that anything that appears here is Open Source.

But then, I never really contribute to this forum.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:05 / 06.03.02
Actually, pretty much any recorded piece of writing is automatically copyright the writer of origin, so unless you specify...that's why I bring it up.
Spatula Clarke
10:41 / 06.03.02
Yeah, but it's not as if anyone here posts under their real or full name (apart from Tom). So would my posts be copyright E. Randy Dupre?

Even ignoring that, how seriously is the issue of copyright taken when you're talking about pieces submitted to a message board? Is there any legal history to this?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
11:01 / 06.03.02
I think it would be copyright you in that name, which you've effectively established as a nom de plume.

It's not serious at all, until it turns out that someone somewhere is reading the Creation, not even participating, and has lifted an idea someone else detailed here and made money from it. Then it could get very annoying.

It's not that I think we have to get all official with one another, just that it's worth thinking about this stuff occasionally. Saves a lot of heartbreak.

When you deal with friends, it's doubly important to get the deal out in the open right away. No one should be in doubt. That way your friendship is never at risk.
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