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In honour of Spike Milligan

We're The Great Old Ones Now
08:52 / 27.02.02
quote:From the man himself:

Down the stream the swans all glide;
It's quite the cheapest way to ride.
Their legs get wet,
Their tummies wetter:
I think after all
The bus is better.

Knock yourselves out.
08:52 / 27.02.02
The eagle flies, so full of grace,
Moves like a shooting star.
But you should see my neighbour's face,
When it shits on his new car.
08:52 / 27.02.02
"there's a lot to be said
for being dead"
10:27 / 27.02.02
quote:Pass by citizen
don't look left or right
Keep those drip dry eyes straight ahead
A tree? Chop it down- it's a danger
to lightning!
Pansies calling for water,
Let 'em die- queer bastards-
Seek comfort in the scarlet, labour
saving plastic rose
Fresh with the frangrance of Daz!
Sunday! Pray citizen;
Pray no rain will fall
On your newly polished
Four wheeled


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Get it out with Optrex


quote:We've come a long way
said the Cigarette Scientist
as he destroyed a live rabbit
to show the students how it worked

He took its heart out
plugged ut unto an electric pump
that kept it beating for nearly two hours

I know rabbits who can keep their hearts
beating for nearly seven years

And look at the electricity they save.

[ 27-02-2002: Message edited by: bear ]
Not Here Still
16:58 / 27.02.02
A baby rabbit
With eyes full of pus.
Is the work
Of scientific us.
19:00 / 27.02.02
quote: They chop down 100ft trees
To make chairs
I bought one
I am six-foot on einch
When I sit in the chair
I'm four foot two.
Did they really chop down a 100ft tree
To make me look shorter?

Gonna miss him. Rise to the challenge, people. There's a Milligan-shaped void in the Universe now. We should fill it with something fitting.

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