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Collaborative intent.

pointless and uncalled for
11:00 / 19.02.02
How would people feel about a major collaborative work?

I was thinking that we could choose a theme and then in each persons sphere of artistic interpretation they could do a piece based on said theme. After a month all of the pieces could be put up on a site.

All submissions would be welcome. Photography, painting, comics, sculpture, peotry, prose, anything that can be put up on a website.
11:08 / 19.02.02
Kind of like a more subversive Granta magazine, eh? I'm in.

How broad or specific of a theme?
pointless and uncalled for
11:11 / 19.02.02
That really depends on the suggestions.

I would suggest that after people have made suggestions, three nominated people decide on the theme and once it gets posted the month begins.
11:17 / 19.02.02
Sounds like a good idea. The theme would probably have to be fairly loose, based around an abstract idea rather than a plot or story, or it might get difficult to adapt it to various media.
Actually that's not true- a text based idea can be translated visually and vice versa.
Maybe people could suggest the likely forms their contributions will make, and this could spark off ideas for the theme?
Mine'll be visual - painting or comics.
11:34 / 19.02.02
Probably out of the whole "Barbelith reborn" feeling, I would like to suggest the theme "DEATH: DEAL WITH IT"
pointless and uncalled for
11:54 / 19.02.02
Seems like a good suggestion.

We would also need some webheads to assist with the hosting/presentation. As part of the whole collaborative nature, I would like to suggest that this be handled by some person(s) not otherwise contributing.
11:57 / 19.02.02
A possible theme for consideration:
Is anybody familiar with Borges' "Tlon, Urqbar, Orbis Tertius"?
the narrator finds an encyclopaedia to an unknown, possibly fictional, planet, the contents of which begin to leak out/ intersect into our world.
There's quite a lot of information given in the story, artistic forms and some physical objects are described, there's stuff on the linguistic and societal codes of "Orbis tertius". Something like this would give enough scope for people to take what they wanted from it, but is defined enough to stop the overall project being too nebulous. Plus 'fictional reality' is a classic Grant Morrison concept, so should appeal to da madd Barbe-Headz.
14:40 / 19.02.02
quote:Originally posted by MuChos Lentillos:
A possible theme for consideration:
Is anybody familiar with Borges' "Tlon, Urqbar, Orbis Tertius"?
the narrator finds an encyclopaedia to an unknown, possibly fictional, planet, the contents of which begin to leak out/ intersect into our world.
There's quite a lot of information given in the story, artistic forms and some physical objects are described, there's stuff on the linguistic and societal codes of "Orbis tertius". Something like this would give enough scope for people to take what they wanted from it, but is defined enough to stop the overall project being too nebulous. Plus 'fictional reality' is a classic Grant Morrison concept, so should appeal to da madd Barbe-Headz.

Nice. It's an idea that's both literary and sci-fi, both silver age DC and vertigo. Plus, it's very gnostic, so it should entertain all us Philip K. Dick-heads....
pointless and uncalled for
15:20 / 19.02.02
Certainly an interesting idea. As a photographer it could be a hard theme but I'm sure I could come up with some ideas.
15:35 / 19.02.02
...I'm definitely in...

As far as hosting, I have some spare space on my server (>50mb). Will anyone need layout capablility as well (gallery style)?

Both suggestions seems interesting...any more?
15:59 / 19.02.02
I can do a short story,, I think... If I had access to a scanner could try to draw something, but... sopeople, keep throwing in themes. (Although Borge's one sounds nice. That link doesn't work, by the way, MuChos. Tried to search from that URL to see if I could find his short lovecraftian story "There Are MOre Things", with no success)
pointless and uncalled for
17:10 / 19.02.02
Whatever you want to do is good. The whole thing is to collect on peoples interpretations through their chosen medium.
pointless and uncalled for
18:32 / 19.02.02
Just going to slide this back up to the top in the hope that I can garner some further interest/support and any other suggestions that poeple might like to offer.

I'm off home now.
18:40 / 19.02.02
I've been checking this thread thruout the day, as and when I haven't had anything to do at school/home.

I like the idea, and I think I should say that I will do something simply to get me working again, but I can't for the life of me say what form it's gonna take other then saying that other peoples ideas aren't very good. I'll be yr editor/creative director then.

Don't like the death theme tho.
ill tonic
09:44 / 20.02.02
What if you just use - "Deal With It " as your springboard?

Covers endless territory...
09:44 / 20.02.02
I'm up for the borges idea, thought it might exclude those who haven't read it - is there some way we could get around this? anyone know of an online version of the story?

there's a sample from the story HERE if people want to have a squizz.

09:44 / 20.02.02
quote:it might exclude those who haven't read it

I don't think Muchos was suggesting a tribute to Borges or even a representation of his work. We could just steal this basic concept:

Finding an encyclopaedia to an unknown, possibly fictional, planet, the contents of which begin to leak out/ intersect into our world.

You could interpret that however you want.

Alternate themes:

apocalyptic sex!


Non-linear clocks!

Juice boxes with nipples!

[ 20-02-2002: Message edited by: gridley ]
09:44 / 20.02.02
quote:Originally posted by Impostor de Jade:
That link doesn't work, by the way, MuChos.

Shit, sorry about that. although i just tried it and it worked for me, maybe that's something to do with the fact that I originally posted it. Anyway, here's the url, if anybody wants to cut and paste it:

There's a full version of the story here (the translation is a bit rough and ready, by their own admission), so everyone can get a handle on what I'm suggesting. Failing that, if you type "tlon zooleika" into google it's the only result it brings up.

Gridley - when I first posted my idea I was thinking of basing stuff fairly tightly around the story, as Borges gives loads of ideas to bounce off. Imagine trying to write a piece of Tlon literature using these parameters:

In the literary fashions the idea of a unique subject is also allpowerful. It is rare that books stay shut. There is no concept of plagiarism: they have established that all works are works of one author, who is atemporal and anonymous. The critics are used to inventing authors: they choose two dissimilar works - the Tao Te Ching and A Thousand and One Nights, let's say - attribute them to the same writer and later determine with probity the psychology of that interesting homme de lettres

Books are also different. Fiction contains only one argument, with all the imaginable permutations. Natural philosophy invariably contains the thesis and antithesis, the rigourous pros and cons of a doctrine. A book that does not enclose its counter-book is considered incomplete.

Or, for the artists, making a representation of this object:

a brilliant meso cone, the diameter of a finger. in vain a boy tried to retrieve this cone. a man hardly certain to bring it up. i had it in the palm of my hand for a few minutes: i remember that its weight was intolerable and after retiring the cone, i lost the oppression. i also remember the precise circle that I record myself in the flesh. this evidence of a very tiny object that was also extremely heavy left a disagreeable impression of disgust and fear. a peasant suggested they throw it in the fast-flowing river. amorim acquired it by means of a few pesos. no one knew a thing about the dead man, save "that he came from the frontier". these small and very heavy cones (made of a meso that is not of this world) are an image of divinity, in certain religions in tlön.

But after reading your post the notion of actually creating the fictional world ourselves is becoming very appealing. It'd be more work, but that ain't a problem. Maybe we could get some of the Magick heads to help us with intersecting it into our reality?

Oh, by the way, please call me Lentil
13:03 / 21.02.02
just bumping this one back up as i think it's got potential. WoI - I hope i don't seem like i'm trying to monopolise your thread with my large ranting posts.
um.. that's it really, i'm going to lay off this one until some more opinions come in
13:08 / 21.02.02
Yeah, I'm still waiting to see if we SET the theme and can start the work done. C'mon sissys!
pointless and uncalled for
13:19 / 21.02.02
Sorry, I was planning on bumping this up this evening and again tomorrow to try to get some interest.

I was thinking that we could pick the theme after the weekend and then set the month deadline from there.

I'd like to give the weekend and less frequent posters a chance to jump in on this.
07:27 / 26.02.02
hmmmm..... what is to be done with this thread?
08:32 / 26.02.02
quote:Originally posted by Impostor de Jade:
That link doesn't work, by the way, MuChos.

You mean you can't see anything on the page?
Me too! It's probably because we use netscape.
There's a html script error. You have to save the file on your HD and open it with a text editor. At the end, a table tag is open instead to be close.
Remplace <table> by </table>, save and open the file in your browser.


[ 27-02-2002: Message edited by: MiKL ]
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