S'funny, Nick, the number of times that you reference possible spelling errors in your posts, it's like the textual equivalent of those chemical tags they're supposed to put in plastic explosives. And your spelling is fine.
(Writing for the doghouse here... I woke up for some reason at 5:20 and per usual started talking immediately & have been banished to the couch.)
I used to write with a lot of confidence and control, like the way young skaters skate when it's not in their heads that falling can happen.
After the fall... well, to go back one step, until you are actually lucky enough to *get* an editor, you have to be your own editor and a writer at the same time & that's a very tricky balance. My inner editor turned into a raging monster and my writer-self into a wraith.
So nowadays, the writer-self gets verry pampered... only write when I hear the sentences in my head, do something else when I don't. And the key difference, after the fall, is that when I write now I have this sort of blind feeling, like, you lower yourself down a rope into a hole, grope around, grab something, and come up top to see what the hey it is. And so far, this works for me.
And --I feel a bit like a cripple now, but it's okay-- I rely very much on other people than myself. In theater, directors and actors and so forth will do a lot of snip and tuck. That's my way of displacing the editor inside, outside. |