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The Quay Kids: a poem

11:17 / 13.02.02
The day the kids in Quay conspired
Social guns directly fired
When little Josie broke her nosey
Cause that is what King Gnat required

The boys with acid toys injected
Needles that The Game rejected
They soon grew strong ("King Gnat, man, he's wrong!")
And fought to keep Free Thought erected

The chicks who held their Bic's solutions
Shaved the hair of revolutions
Sweet Josie married Parker Posey
(A dream without mainstream pollutions)

The Gnats were merely stats (reported)
Numb to how The Game contorted
The kids in Quay made their first good play
("So long!") and had their song recorded

The night the secret fight abrupted
All the kids were interrupted
By a worn out man (let's call him Dan)
Who said The Game was dead corrupted

"The game is just a name for power
Cooked for puppets to devour
Your cause is great but a quick check mate
So find another mindscape tower"

The day the kids in Quay inspired
Loads to get their minds rewired
The worn out man took off and ran
He knew those kids were through (and tired)

The day the kids in Quay conspired
Changed the world (Free Thought: acquired!)
Cool little Josie pierced her nosey
She bled (that shit was red!) and diered
13:36 / 13.02.02
"Quay"? From a conch? For shame.
Kit-Cat Club
13:42 / 13.02.02
What is 'diered'?
Haus about we all give each other a big lovely huggle?
13:50 / 13.02.02
13:57 / 13.02.02
Rage is a conch? Cool.

Like it, Rage. Abrupt and jagged and interesting and evocative. Can I quarrel with 'let's call him Dan'?
The Return Of Rothkoid
14:11 / 13.02.02
I'm sorry, but it sounds like psuedo-revolutionary, sub-Seuss meandering. No score.
18:22 / 13.02.02
I only lived in Key West for 6 months, though I did the Duval Crawl quite often. Didn't know what a quay was until I looked it up five minutes ago. Are you guys conchs? Did you know Lance, the guy who goes around reading 1984 in that robotic voice? How about Silver Man?

Koid, (can I call you that) do you criticize everyone elses posts as often as you criticize mine? I sometimes feel like you're trailing my ass as you eagerly wait to criticize every little thing that I post. The poem was an attempt at humor. If you didn't get this, I doubt you even read the poem. Or maybe you just didn't get it.
18:26 / 13.02.02
One more thing. (and I may be asking for it here)

Haus, you read it, though you gave no input. Please tell me what you thought. I seriously want to know, because I respect you and your hilarious self. Sticks and stones can break my bones...
The Return Of Rothkoid
19:28 / 13.02.02
I'm flattered to think that you believe I trail everything you post waiting to jump, but it's not true. This turned up on the recently updated thread, I read it, didn't like it, and bingo: response. It's nothing personal, I just felt - as I have with some other stuff you've written - that it wasn't good. Your style has a tendency to irk me more than others, that I'll admit: but there's no agenda in it.

A consideration, though: not liking something may not necessarily equal not "getting it". I don't post without reading; I leave that up to other wood-carrying suits.
12:59 / 14.02.02
I like the style, but I'm a sucker for internal rhyme. It seemed to meander a bit, though. Kind of lost me near the end. If you took out a couple stanzas, it'd make fun song lyrics.
autopilot disengaged
20:22 / 14.02.02
kind of felt, to me - like a slightly strained piece of formal writing by someone who wouldn't usually write that way. seemed attention to metre was as much of a consideration as meaning - and in this, similar to the straighter stuff i wrote at uni, seeing how the other half lived. i think if you're planning to write in more disciplined manner, this phase, where the two don't quite gel (and the musicality overwhelms the 'meaning') is something you've got to go through.

the 'nursery rhyme for adults' schtick can get incredibly whimsical, but i think you manage to avoid the worst of that.

actually, in style and content, is vee vee similar to poem i wrote back in the day called 'crack stars'.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:56 / 19.02.02
Umm. Actually, I liked the poem. (Tho there's a touch of defensiveness in our Ragel's work, at least the bits I've read).

And what the heck's a "conch"?
pointless and uncalled for
18:08 / 19.02.02
I'm not a someone who normally reads poetry. it largely doesn't work for me but I like this.

A conch is a seashell.
18:18 / 19.02.02
And a Key West local.

Rage was living in Key West last year, thus the reference.
pointless and uncalled for
18:22 / 19.02.02
Is that a similar kind of reference as meshback?
09:51 / 21.02.02
Koid, whatever.

Glad those of you who liked it liked it.

I'm NOT defensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ 21-02-2002: Message edited by: Ragel Hinewater and The Magic Ring ]
autopilot disengaged
09:51 / 21.02.02
rage - you have anything to say about it yrself? always good to get the inside info.
15:49 / 21.02.02
Sure. I was experimenting with rhyme and meter, while writing a ridiculous social satire on ridiculous social satire itself, poetry form. I was kind of coked up.
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