well, shit...if i'd know that was the prize i might have chosen a little differently.
Henry VIII and Saint Thomas ate everything; the former wants to go "wenching" and the latter has gotten into one of his homilies that go on FOREVER, completely oblivious to the dirty looks both Martin Luther and Muhammed [peace be upon him] are giving him. I think there's going to be a fistfight in the near future. Henry's got odds on Saint Thomas, put I've put my cash on Muhammed, who's got that lean-and-hungry look. It's a classic size versus speed matchup. Luther just doesn't rate. Anyway, I can hear him in the bathroom now, arguing with Satan while on the pot. Hope they don't get into another shit-throwing contest. Eesh...think they just started.
Sir Francis and Dr Faustus got along rippingly, but no one could understand what the hell they were talking about. Anyway, they sidled off into the kitchen together and were using the stove to cook something that smelled god-awful when the legions of hell arrived. The were unable to tell one from the other, so they gave a nod to Satan in the bathroom and then dragged off both. permanently fucked over my wall-to-wall carpeting in the process. I have no idea what to do with this gate to hell, either; maybe i should give tours. or throw grad students in it.
Well, Saint Thomas and Muhammed have taken it outside, and from the window it looks like I'm going to loss some money too boot. Henry is still going on about wenches, so i think i may chuck him in taxi over the nearest strip club...sadly, he won't quite fit in the gate to hell.
Shakespeare just keeps on demanding paper, but hasn't figured out how to work the biro.
[ 10-02-2002: Message edited by: [infinite spectral monkeys] ] |