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Ghost writing/life story writing

08:30 / 08.02.02
A friend's stepdad has asked if I would consider working with him on writing up the 'story of his life'.

It sounds like he's had a pretty interesting time, so it might be worthwhile. Then again, it could be terrible, depending on what he decides he wants to talk about. And I need to work out how much freedom I'd have in writing it.

I haven't spoken to him at all - this has all come through my friend so far, so I suppose I'll know more after talking to him.

But I just wondered if anyone had any experience in this sort of thing, any input/ warnings/ suggestions you can give me?
08:30 / 08.02.02
On the face of it, I think this sounds like it could be a good idea. Yesterday after my nan's funeral I got so much bloody great material from family talking about the amazing stuff that happened to them when they were younger.

I personally have never done anything like that, so no real warnings/suggestions etc. What does he intend to do when it's written? Get it published, or is it just as a family memoir kind of thing?

As you say, you'd need to find out a bit more about what he's actually done and how much freedom you'd get, but I think it could be a good creative exercise, if nothing else. Go for it.
08:30 / 08.02.02
Well, my friend has got carried away and is planning the mini series... but I think her stepdad just wants it all written down.

Yes, I'll go and have a chat, cause it sounds like an interesting project.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
08:30 / 08.02.02
Get your position veeeery clear - there may be a moment when someone wants not to put something in which you feel strongly needs to be there. Whichever happens, you need to know in advance how it's going to play...are you ghostwriting, in which case you don't really have a voice, or are you a biographer, in which case you do...
08:30 / 08.02.02
Good point Nick - I'll get that clear right from the beginning. Especially as there's a friendship involved. If it looks like it could get awkward then I'd rather not do it.
12:07 / 08.02.02
Do you have any idea what kind of life this guy has had? Presumably, as your friend's stepdad, he's too young for this to be a wartime memoirs kind of thing? Is he an international drug smuggler, or is it more of a (cue Hovis theme) "I dragged mesel up by me boot-straps" affair. If he's had an especially shite life you might end up writing the next "A Boy Called It" or something.
12:19 / 08.02.02
I suspect it's more of bootstrap story - as far as i know he grew up in rural Derbyshire, and he now farms worms. Yes, really. He sounds a bit eccentric. And my friend said something about lots of women being involved ... could be interesting!
12:59 / 08.02.02
Sounds like there's loads of potential there:

Wine, Women and Worms - A Life

O Brother, Worm Art Thou?

Nobody Loves Me, Everybody Hates Me, I think I'll Go Farm Worms

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