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The challenge

21:40 / 05.02.02
OK, in the off the cuff remark to Haus i said
quote: Now can you follow that up with the Rubaiyat of Victor Kiam, Haus?

Anyone else think they can come up with some suitable verse for or about the man 'who liked it so much, he bought the company'?
Jack Fear
21:59 / 05.02.02
The rubaiyat is a series of rubais--rhymed quatrains, A-A-B-A. Let's see...

The fate of Man it is to be Time's slave:
The path he marks for us leads to the grave.
Yet Style cheats Death when to the tomb we go
In clothes fresh-pressed, hair combed--and closely shaved!
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:49 / 06.02.02
This poem was a personal fave of mine and Tom's for a while - we read each other particularly self-indulgent and depressing chunks over beer in the old Nelson.

How about:

Be merry, friend, and laugh at hirsuit fashion;
Young lads and ladies, rubious and dashing,
Know that Vic was here before, is now a balding skull
From which the wise drink wine to stir their passion.
13:55 / 06.02.02
In youth's first bloom, the downy fluff brings praise,
When sprouting from chins dewed with sweat's proud glaze...
But when the evening's hairs grow white, and stiff, and long,
Their thirsty roots drink tears of waning days.

No Barber Poet, I, nor Learned Man
To dwell on skill forgot or future plan.
I shaved, Behold! it brought me joy enow
to buy the company - to take command!

[ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: grant ]
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