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work in progress

autopilot disengaged
21:37 / 02.02.02
at the moment, while i'm waiting for the last of the feedback on my most recent play, and - like a vacuum-sealed plastic-wrapped suit, consigned to the most tedious clerical job you can possibly imagine - i've found myself spewing out scraps and splinters of prose. the first of these, the unrequited king (as previewed in the 'crucify me' thread) was about a man who utilises a dead body to indirectly beg in the streets, pouring his ill-gotten earnings mostly into console games and fast food.

next up, a couple of irresponsible conceptuals i'll probably find myself scribbling covertly, in between collating data and stuffing envelopes - my animus, which is essentially a porn story set behing the scenes of a software convention (with a twist!) - and back to the sea which is an uncomfortably straight autobiographical piece, projecting a possible near future scenario i could choose to take (essentially, since you asked, or at least didn't stop me in time - giving up writing and finding wonder in the mundane).
21:55 / 02.02.02
okay, i'll bite: wonder in the mundane? isn't that what artists do anyway? look at the things around us in new and wonderful ways?

my work in progress: finishing up a novel that's due to be published here in Australia sometime next year. finding it kind of hard to make it those last few steps. whereas i had a blindingly creative burst late last year, where i finished the first draft, since then i've hardly written anything, or even thought about writing anything. tell the truth it's a bit unnerving.

autopilot disengaged
10:08 / 03.02.02
9 times out of 10, sad to say, i think i find myself doing a pretty good job of finding the mundane in the wonderful - but annnyway - back to scheduled programming...

congrats on the book, by the way - care to share any (non-top secret) details? plot, narrative structure(s), intent?
17:50 / 03.02.02
Current things:

Paper Love Song - it's, like personal. And stuff.

point (5) - avant garde film script, where typography fits with the images described. House of Leaves... BUT EVEN WORSE!!. Part one of my AS Level English Language coursework.

And a third thing that I don't have an idea for, but we need to submit two pieces for coursework. May end up being a limeric.
Warrington Minge
09:08 / 04.02.02
Ok I'm up for a bit of this. I am just putting the finishing touches to an Art Exhibition I am taking part in. It will be the first proper exhibition I have taken part in since leaving Uni ( about ten years ago ).
Looking forward to it, should be cool.

I work in retail by day but am an artistic Minge by night!!

[ 04-02-2002: Message edited by: Warrington Minge ]
Warrington Minge
09:12 / 04.02.02

[ 04-02-2002: Message edited by: Warrington Minge ]
rizla mission
14:17 / 04.02.02
I'm up to several things at the moment -

1)trying to get on with the second issue of 'Burn Prom Queen' - going through I bit of a lull at the moment - maybe because I've planned it all in advance and so there's little fun to be had in just drawing things I thought up ages ago.

2) 6/7 page comic short story entitled 'The Exploding Bass String Story' - features a dead cat, a rock n' roll band and a big bang.
Is fun to do.

3) Half way through writing horror tale for the proposed Tantalus weird fiction zine. Basically an attempt by a really bad prose writer to channel Lovecraftian stuff through a Beat-era asthetic using the techniques of Kerouac & Burroughs. There's about a 10% chance of it being genius and a 90% chance of it being totally unreadable shit.
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:24 / 04.02.02
Burn Prom Queen is fucking great, Riz. More now please.
I'm working on a novel, several short stories, three film scripts, a sitcom idea, an animated show idea, blah blah blah. None of these are past egg and sperm stage.
04:15 / 05.02.02
riz - yeah, riz. the burn prom queen stuff is a thing to pursue. for mine, it'd be great to see more complete stories in it. and i LERV malkmus, PI.

Glint - care to beef the details up a bit? are these writingy stuffs or something else? obvious for the film script, but the other ones. although i was hopin' you could elaborate on how you're gonna use the typography. sounds interestink

auto - my novel's a murder-mystery-comedy. kind of. set in the real mileu of the suburb i spent my twenties in, starring two sweet vaguely self-indulgent twentysomethings bumming around and getting a bit directionlessly drunk, trying to find out whodunnit and get laid at the same time. sort of.

08:00 / 05.02.02
What is "Burn, Prom Queen" and where can I get it?
rizla mission
12:54 / 05.02.02
It's a comic I did.

send me yr. address and I'll send you a copy.
13:02 / 05.02.02
Ok. I'm in the finishing stages of a novel. It's a fantasy novel. I liked the idea of writing about something I didn't know shit about and see if my style of prose would make it interesting.
I have 70.000 supid words done. The thing will be done around 100.000, 120.000, but I have everything - the big chunks of chapters - written already. Just need some little scenes to tie everything together...


Even if no one else see this thing, it's gonna be the first thing I really finished (yeah, I didn't finished it yet, but you know... :P), and I'm a little bit afraid of ruining it. Go figure. (And go me )
18:57 / 05.02.02
hey jade, well done.

they say (who're they? fuckt if i know) that the first novel is the one where you learn how to (and how not to) write a novel, and the second one is your true first. I have to admit that I'm in agreement with such platitudes, to an extent, because now I'm scant inches from finishing my first novel, i'm really excited to see what I can do with the second, which i'm already planning.

20:32 / 05.02.02
dude, I can`t even think about the second one without getting sick. Too much headaches.
15:37 / 06.02.02
Riz: Am I the only man in existence that actually found the Bookstore Cowboys better then Burn, Prom Queen?

And matsya:

Paper Love Song is a poem... thing. Complete with doodles and little drawings and sigils of words like "toicfardharlalad" and patterns that I'm making for The Girl for Valentines Day.

point [5] [yes, all the work I have done on it, and anything else today, has culminated in me deciding that square brackets look better then round ones... ]: maybe typeography isn't the write word. It's partially that, and partially the graphology, but whatever... And I still haven't really worked it out, but the words get smaller, run together and in the end the scenes are only seperated by a "/" as the cuts get increasingly faster and it all gets more fucked. It's 4LATER in print form, inspired by Clive's CODA. Only deeply flawed and destined to fail...

And there is ofcourse the on going refinements to the plan to become the all-world-counquering hybrid of autopilot, Rizla and Flux.
rizla mission
13:05 / 08.02.02
quote:Originally posted by Glint:
Riz: Am I the only man in existence that actually found the Bookstore Cowboys better then Burn, Prom Queen?

probably not.
20:52 / 11.02.02
Well that's alright then
01:22 / 13.02.02
A tip from a firt-time novel-writer:

Eeuurgh!! the headache...
09:22 / 17.02.02
Well PLS, like so many things in my life, was massivly reconfigured to fit with my [lack of] talent rather then my ambitions.

And point [5] is flounerding aorund in its own little hell where I banished it after my word processor decided it didn't like my split-screen idea (thank you auto for that... ) and so fucked all the text up. Gah damn it! I'm being thwarted!

What about you lot?
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