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remake the creation!

autopilot disengaged
21:21 / 02.02.02
this should be my favourite part of the board. as far as i have any identity beyond what's forced on me by my situation, it's geared around being a 'writer'. my entire self-image is, in some way or other, tied in with the whole romantic artist schtick - and most of my actions bent toward making this a reality...eventually.

but i barely visit the place. it just doesn't seem vital in the way other fora do. and i think that's because, as is, it's more about recreation than creation proper.

now, maybe i'm not the best person to say this - after all, my latest effort has managed to draw not a single response, suggesting the creation needs me less than i do it. but, still: i feel like this could be an incredibly exciting, active and important part of the board - whereas at the moment it feels like a peripheral, eccentric outpost.

so, in the spirit of barbepocalypse which seems to be powering toward a death/rebirth dynamic - and especially nick's injunction to get involved if you're so desperate for things to change - here's my first draft blueprint for a creation that could be something more than a distraction.

i know, from both direct experience and anecdotal evidence, that barbelith is full of aspiring artists. this should be their hub. now, not to say there haven't been great threads and some really nice work within the creation - but i think there's space, alongside the playful, fun threads, for engaging with and exploring our own - and others - work.

i'd like to suggest the creation become more like a salon, i guess - with inclined members showing a greater willingness to discuss their work in progress, their methodologies, ambitions and influences. i want a reading group who are willing to commit to reading other posters' stuff and reporting back. i want people to be willing to have work they actually care about publically dissected.

this place should be full of brawling and boasting, bruised egos and defiant ripostes. it should be a fucking acid bath.

the survivors - assuming there are survivors - will be work that has been tempered in the face of constructive criticism, that has been forced to live and breathe and justify its existence outside of its creator's fond fantasies. and, as an eventual goal above and beyond, work which could - and should - then be incorporated into the barbelith zine.

c'mon, you motherfuckers. let's do this.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
19:38 / 03.02.02
So do it!

It sounds great. Enough with the manifestos - get the ball rolling.
autopilot disengaged
20:15 / 03.02.02
i have!

get over to my 'crucify me' thread and tear me apart like a tibetan funeral!

or... offer faint praise. i'm easy.

i'd also like to nudge you toward the 'work in progress' thread so we can get a handle on yr latest endeavours.

but besides this - does this mean you're willing to be one of those brave, hardy, judgemental few - ready to sit thru five, six pages of invisible writing and batter it about the forum like so much offal?

i kind of figured you would be, and would value yr opinion. yes?

rizla mission
14:08 / 04.02.02
It's been less than vital in the past, but the creation forum's absolutely rockin' at the moment, I feel..
We're The Great Old Ones Now
15:10 / 04.02.02
Within reason, yes, although I don't really like reading long posts on the screen - much rather print them off.
autopilot disengaged
20:35 / 14.02.02
ok - so who's up for taking part in the great barbe-read-in? i suggest we get a group together - and then start rating/slating each others' submitted pieces. these should be less than ten pages - never a chore - with one piece per week(?). responses and notes to be posted up on dedicated thread (and the writer a public right to reply).

i'd like to put my 4-page short story 'the unrequited king' up as first sacrificial lamb. whaddya say? who's in?
autopilot disengaged
20:37 / 14.02.02
to clarify: work exchanged via mail.
03:51 / 16.02.02
quote:Originally posted by autopilot disengaged:
i want people to be willing to have work they actually care about publically dissected.

*gulp* Okay. I'll brave the pirhanas.

For about five years now I've been working on a rockabilly sword-and-sorcery epic called The Wanderer. And for five years now I've invented and reinvented the storyline ad infinitum. It shouldn't be this hard to write your basic run-of-the-mill Joseph Campbell pulp. But for some reason I keep encountering major plot roadblocks that nearly threaten to scare me off of it completely.

Most of what I have online are notes, half-thinks and ideas, and somewhere here on my weblog for it is a bit of prose that I did up out of frustration with the comic script. I could sure use the criticism, praise and/or questions to feed or bitchslap the Muse. <puts on a helmet and squints eyes tight>
Sock it to me.
Captain Zoom
13:46 / 16.02.02
Ah, the ever eloquent autopilot. Right, I'm off to the Poetrial thread with one of my masterworks. Do your best (worst?).

Captain Zoom
13:49 / 16.02.02
Something else that occurs. A lot of the creation stuff is, by the board's nature, prose/poetry/play oriented. Would there be any interest in finding a common space for posting music, video, etc.? What brought me around to this was thinking of a collaborative song project. I record a track, upload it to a free geocities site or something and see what happens. Any interest? Anyone know of the logistics of such a thing?

20:47 / 16.02.02
I'm in. My adress is, if you don't wanna go and look for yrself in my profile.

This means i have to get my arse in gear, right?

Supoose that's gotta be a good thing...
ill tonic
22:52 / 18.02.02
I'm game, Autopilot.

I like the idea of an electronic writers circle.

I was involved with a group many years ago (meeting once a month, exchanging works, markets etc.) and found it beneficial -- less for the critics then as an impetus to get me to finish my pieces for the group.

Lately, I've suffered from major finish-itis and a writers circle might just be what I need ...

... so, as before, I'm game. I like the idea of sharing through mail and then maybe a thread here where we can hold open discussions. Let's hash something out.
06:14 / 19.02.02
Cpt Zoom:
"What brought me around to this was thinking of a collaborative song project. I record a track, upload it to a free geocities site or something and see what happens. Any interest? Anyone know of the logistics of such a thing?"

We had a wee collaborative music project started a while back, and got as far as sending each other samples and tracks, and set up a Yahoo group with a site for bunging sound files on. Rollo and grant did some sterling work, after which things sort of petered out (mostly due to my own laziness). I like to think the project is, um, hibernating, and it'd be cool to get things going again. What kind of songs do you do?

This is the aforementioned Yahoo group. You don't have to be a member to view/download files, but feel free to join anyway and upload your own stuff:


If you (or anybody) is up for doing a bit of remixing, there are a load of short tracks by imaginary bands HERE. Feel free to do what you like with 'em. Being MP3s, I'm not sure about the sound quality, so if - heh - you're desperate to use one and want better sound, lemme know and I'll send a WAV.

[ 19-02-2002: Message edited by: Saveloy ]
07:11 / 19.02.02
I'm still game for the music thing, if I ever get software sorted. This stuff Rollo sent sucked, and I'm now using a mac anyway.

Help with this apprectiated.
The Return Of Rothkoid
08:50 / 19.02.02
How fast's your connection? Hotline is a good source of - uh - programs, assuming you're on a reasonable connection. Either that, or burning could be an option if I find some...
08:50 / 19.02.02
It's fine, it just lies to me to pass the time.

Less searchable M0rd4nt
08:50 / 19.02.02
I'd kind of like to get involved with this. The music thing is a bit of a non-starter for me at the mo., but I'm gonna try and make more of my writing availiable (when I actually have anything to post here, that is). Meanwhile, in the spirit of "members showing a greater willingness to discuss their work in progress" here is my blog, which I'll be using sporadically to chuck ideas around:

"dead dog in alleyway this morning..."
autopilot disengaged
22:29 / 20.02.02
nice blog, m-cee. i occasionally use mine to play about with stuff too.

ok. re: readers. am i right in saying that myself, glint, nick, dekapot, nightguard, zoom and mordant have confirmed an interest?

riz, 'koid etc - plus anyone else who wants to jump on board, speak now. as is, i'm scattering copies of 'the unrequited king' to anyone who doesn't stop me in time.

suggest we don't talk about it for at least four, five days... ok?
autopilot disengaged
22:05 / 21.02.02
it is done.
Ethan Hawke
11:02 / 22.02.02
I'd like to read/critique stuff, though I have no work of my own to share at the time being. Autopilot, if you want even more critique, drop me an e-mail with your story.
The Return Of Rothkoid
11:32 / 22.02.02
An idea that's been kicked around a bit at meets is the concept of a creative meet. Critiques are made, but only on stuff that's written that day or on the night before, based on exercises that are pulled out of a hat, or that everyone suggests, or something like that. That way, any criticism won't seem as harsh as if it's been said about something that someone's been labouring over for the past ten years. Spur-of-the-moment stuff, where everyone's at the same level, I guess.

There's no reason why this couldn't work virtually; it's pretty much how The Creation works anyway, but with a little more structure, maybe.
Ethan Hawke
11:42 / 22.02.02
I like that idea a lot, Rothkoid. We can make up exercises, give everyone a day to write, and then everyone can post results. I always like to see the diverse outcomes that occur even with the most specific of assignments.
autopilot disengaged
12:02 / 22.02.02
soundz good. we should brainstorm exercise ideas. i still think there's room for second, third and fourth opinions on peoples' ongoing work, though. it's easy to get lost on yr own trip without outside input...

todd: i'll mail you tonite. 'koid? interested?
Ethan Hawke
12:38 / 22.02.02
I think the best way to work the exercises is to have a revolving cast of people who assign each topic. For instance, if it's my turn, I say to all participant, "I want to read some stories about robots" and then for a predetermined time and/or length of story, all participants write about robots, and post them to the forum within a specific window. For the next assignment, Rothkoid decides he'd like to read "stories in the second person about eating" and we all go to that.

The benefit of this format is that (a) getting a handful of people to agree about what is a good exercise would be tough (b) giving up control over an aspect of your writing is instructive and teaches one to be flexible. You might discover you like writing about robots, or like writing in the 2nd person, for example, and an exercise you came up with on your own wouldn't reveal these things to you.
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:48 / 22.02.02
Hmm. May well be, actually...
18:10 / 22.02.02
quote:Originally posted by Mr. Todd:
You might discover you like writing about robots, or like writing in the 2nd person, for example, and an exercise you came up with on your own wouldn't reveal these things to you.

That actually sounds like a lot of fun. I would do that.
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