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Collaborators for "Religious" Tracts Needed

15:08 / 23.01.02
I'm trying to see if anyone is interested in helping me create some spoofs on jack chick style religious tract comic books to pass out to people. I werk at a printing press and could have them pressed easily just my pen and ink drawing skills and ideas sometimes could use some help. If anyone has any ideas and or input, it would be a great help.
15:20 / 23.01.02
There used to be quite a wealth of them online. But as I understand it, Jack Chick gets a bit litigious with spoofs so be a bit careful. Chimpanzees are always good in anything.
16:50 / 23.01.02
Here's one:

Boy, they're hard to find anymore. Chick's been sicking his lawyers on everyone he can.
16:58 / 23.01.02
Daniel Clowes did one called Devil Doll. Info and pages for it can be found at the link above, although the guy who owns the site seems a little confused as to who the artist of the comic is.

"It's unclear who wrote "Devil Doll?"; the initials "D.G.C." can be found on the front cover, but beyond that it's a mystery."

And if you can track it down, there's a special Jack Chick issue of the comic fanzine The Imp. It's shaped like a Chick Tract, and has a cover by Clowes. No link, but here's a review.

[ 23-01-2002: Message edited by: moriarty ]
18:24 / 23.01.02
Cool, Cool thanks. I'm not neccesarily looking to reproduce an exact chic tract. I'm thinkng more along the lines of a mix of Jack Chic and The Sentinel (a jehovah's witness publication) but just putting absolutely ridiculous shit in it in the guise of some new cult. The Chic influenece i was thinking would be the comic book style.
18:26 / 23.01.02
Cool, Cool thanks. I'm not neccesarily looking to reproduce an exact chic tract. I'm thinkng more along the lines of a mix of Jack Chick and The Sentinel (a jehovah's witness publication) but just putting absolutely ridiculous shit in it in the guise of some new cult. The Chick influenece i was thinking would be the comic book style.
12:29 / 24.01.02
I've always wanted to have a T-shirt that said, "Real Men Love Shiva."
16:37 / 24.01.02
I've always been fond of:

"Real men take it in the ASS!"

18:11 / 24.01.02
Real men love shiva ! haha... i actually have the ability to print up pretty whack t-shirts and printed materials here at work reletivly cheaply. so any crazy idea we can really think of and collaborate on wouldn't be that hard to actually bring to friution.

here an example of a printed tri fold piece i did as a religious tract spoof for my band. it's kind of dumbed down but you may enjoy it.
youll see a link to page 1 and page 2 on the main portion of the page.
they are there
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:06 / 24.01.02
Not totally relevant, but one of my proudest moments recently was when my most junior sib sent me the Jack T. Chick URL, coz he thought I needed a good laugh (I mean, I already had it, but... bless).

Anyhow, I'd be kind of into doing this. I draw for shit, but I could write scripts or summat.
The Monkey
09:45 / 25.01.02
Not sure I have the time, but I'd love to try...
for just plain silly, how about little Chick-type tracks dealing with something like the Knights Templar, or any other spooky conspiracy-cult? Some of the more preposterous trumped up conspiracy texts, like the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," are rife for mockery. Although that latter example is a bit politically charged right now.
Nonetheless, the idea of housewife Debbie having a relationship crisis, resolved by the helping (but shadowy) hand of the Elders, who in the form of a friendly Rabbi teach how to properly withold sex from and otherwise torment her husband. (The scary thing is, that little vignette WAS based on something in PotEoZ).
Or pick out a particularly obscure religion--my money is already on the Aztecs--with particular bloody and alien practices:
Little Jimmy learns from his father and mother that the only right thing to do is to cut out the heart of a captive stranger, to feed the sun and thus keep the earth from being devoured by the stars...all done in that kind of Donna Reed, 50s sitcom look (Dad has a pipe and sweater vest, Little Jimmy a beanie, etc.).

Oh Shit...Cthullu Mythos!!! Lovecraft meets Chick Comics.

For more secular material, consider parodying situationist comics...perhaps do a capitalist equivalent...or an absolute monarchist equivalent. And for some reason I really like the idea of a didactic comic based upon the ideas of Yukio Mishima. Or Mao Zedong.

And Real Men love Shiva AND Shakti.
Kisses from the Outer Church.
The Monkey
09:48 / 25.01.02
Cthullu does not love you. There is no right way. There is only the return of the Elder Gods. You will be eaten slowly, chewed like a gobstopper in the thousand maws of Yog-Shoggoth, then smushed to the bottom of his cosmic desk of DOOM!!!


[ 25-01-2002: Message edited by: [infinite monkeys] ]
09:48 / 25.01.02
Aztecs--with particular bloody and alien practices:
Little Jimmy learns from his father and mother that the only right thing to do is to cut out the heart of a captive stranger, to feed the sun and thus keep the earth from being devoured by the stars...all done in that kind of Donna Reed, 50s sitcom look (Dad has a pipe and sweater vest, Little Jimmy a beanie, etc.).

i really liek this idea.

If anyone wants to try to develop some sort of battle plan and possibly "publishing/shirt manufacturing name ? May besomething worth discussing.
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