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the Fool presents traitor comics

the Fool
22:25 / 20.01.02
While on three weeks holiday I put this comic together. The script is rough, the plot a little thin but I think it came out alright for a first comic.

What do you reckon, eh?

If you like it, I can email a PDF version for printing.

[ 21-01-2002: Message edited by: the Fool cannot spell ]
01:18 / 21.01.02
I love your character design. nice work.
12:51 / 21.01.02
Good! Excellent pics. No surprises in the story, although the inevitability of the lame-o bad guy's defeat was nicely set up. Some of the text was difficult to make out, but that's probably because you had to shrink it to get it on the board or something. Nice work!
Nelson Evergreen
00:32 / 23.01.02
Lovely, lovely work. This guy's a bit handy with Illustrator as well.
the Fool
01:38 / 23.01.02
That comic was pretty nifty. Orgies, drugs, bestiality, all with hello kitty stylings... wow!
Mr Tricks
23:00 / 23.01.02
By the WAY... ROCKIN stuff!!!
Mr Ed
13:12 / 24.01.02
The demian 5 is entertaingly odd. The fool is cool mind.
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