I wrote a story with the same title as this topic 2 years ago.
[u]The Last Person On Earth[/u]
"I want to fuck you," Rand told Fori. "I want to fuck you because I'm lonely. I don't want to be alone anymore."
Fori nodded. "You'll still be alone though. After we're done fucking you'll still be alone."
"I know. But what if we fucked reguraly? Then I wouldn't be lonely anymore, right?"
"Wrong. You'd still be lonely. You don't love me. You don't even love yourself."
"I know. I hate myself. But I've heard that fucking takes away loneliness. At least for however long it lasts. The fucking, I mean. Not the loneliness. For the moment that you're fucking, you're a part of another person. You're no longer alone."
"You're not alone, but you're still lonely. You'll be lonely unless you love someone. You don't love anyone Rand."
"I can't love anyone. I can't love anyone unless I love myself. I hate myself."
"I guess that means you'll be lonely forever."
"I guess so."
"Rand, do you know how to fuck?"
"No, of course not. I'm 10 years old. I want to learn though. It's suppose to take away loneliness. I know that it is. That's what my parents say."
"It's nothing great. I'm 37, and I know that for a fact."
"Maybe not. But will you kiss me Fori?"
"If you want me to."
Rand and Fori kissed.
"You're welcome. You know something Rand? You can't kiss very well."
"I know. Sorry."
"Don't be sorry. You're young."
"I know."
Rand and Fori were best friends. They did everything together.
Livey picked up the keys that were laying on the counter.
"Parent, I'm going to Ristal's house now. Can I take the car?"
"No. I need to pick up Rand in a half hour. You can walk to Ristal's."
"I don't want to walk. I want to take the car."
"What do you plan to do at Ristal's anyway?"
"Smoke pot and drop acid. Why?"
"I was just wondering. I wonder about you sometimes."
"Oh, ok. Well can I take the car? I'll pick up Rand if you want me to. I'll bring Rand to Ristal's with me, and you and my other parent can fuck each other. Take away each others loneliness and all."
"Well I would appreciate being here without you and Rand bothering me. You're both very annoying."
"Ok, then I'm leaving now. I'll be back when my acid trip comes down. Bye."
The doorbell rang at Fori's house.
"Who is it?" Fori asked. "Not that I care."
Fori opened the front door.
"Hi Livey. How have you been?"
"Hey Rand," Fori called. "Livey is here."
Rand walked to the door.
"Hey Livey. I thought one of our parents was picking me up."
"Plans changed."
"I didn't want you to pick me up Livey. I don't like how you drive. Every time I get into the car with you I'm afraid we're gonna get into an accident."
"I don't care if we get into an accident. I like driving that way. If we get into an accident we do. Oh well. Come on, I'm taking you to Ristal's with me."
"Bye Fori," Livey said.
"Bye Fori," Rand said. "Call me."
Livey and Rand walked into Ristal's house.
"Hi," Ristal said. "How are you two?"
"I'm mediocore," Livey said.
"I'm lonely," Rand said.
"Ya, I've been really lonely lately. I want to fuck someone so I won't be lonely anymore."
"But you're only 10 years old. You're too young to feel lonely. You're too young to feel. You're not suppose to feel. Nobody is."
"I know."
"Why did you have to bring Rand along?" Ristal asked. "I don't want to share my drugs with anyone except you."
"You don't need to. Rand can just watch TV or something."
"I don't want to watch TV. I want to fuck someone. I don't want to be lonely."
"Oh well. Go watch TV."
Mave and Wilme had just finished fucking.
"I'm glad we finally have some time without the kids," Wilme told Mave.
"So am I. Finally."
"I'm tired," Wilme said.
"So am I," Mave replied.
"Let's go to sleep now."
"I haven't been able to sleep. Something has been bothering me."
"Something has been bothering you? Weird. Do you know what it is?"
"Maybe it's Rand. Rand has been bothering me lately. Doesn't know when to shut up."
"No, I'm not talking about our kids. I'm talking about something else. I can't explain it. I can't figure it out."
"Oh, ok. Sorry. Well I'm tired. I'm going to sleep. I'm sorry that you can't sleep. Maybe you'll be able to soon."
"Good night."
"Good night."
Livey had just come down from the acid.
"We're out of here," Livey said to Ristal. "I don't want to be here any longer. I'm not high anymore, so I don't see the point in staying here."
"Ok, bye. Thanks for coming over."
Livey went into Ristal's living room and saw Rand sleeping on the couch. The TV wasn't on.
"Wake up Rand. We're leaving. We're going home."
"I'm not going with you."
"So you're going to stay here? You can't. You can't stay here. Ristal doesn't want you here. This is Ristal's house. Not yours."
"I'll go to Fori's house then. I'm wanted there."
"Our parents will be mad at me then. I told them I would bring you home. You need to come home with me."
"I'm not coming, and you can't make me."
Livey sighed.
"Fine. Whatever. I'm leaving. Go to Fori's house. I don't care."
Fori heard the dorbell ring.
"Who is it? Not that I care."
Fori opened the door.
Rand was crying.
"What's wrong? What are those wet things on your eyes?"
"I don't know. But I know I can't take this anymore. I'm so lonely. Can I come in?"
"Of course."
"You're my best friend Fori, and I enjoy being with you. Can I live with you from now on? Please?"
"Why do you enjoy being with me? I don't understand. What does enjoy mean?"
"You know what it means. Stop hiding Fori. You have feelings just like I do. You're not alone."
"But I am. I always will be, unless I fuck someone. That doesn't last long though. I mean, I'll be lonely forever Rand. I hate myself just like you do."
"So what? Let me live with you. We can fuck reguarly. We'll be lonely, but we won't be alone. We can start a new life. I know that I'm 10 and that I've never fucked anyone, but it doesn't matter. I can fuck you. You're the only one I see truth in. Everything else is lies."
"Lies? No, everything is truth. Nobody can lie. Nobody is allowed to. Everyone says everything that's on their mind. Don't you know how the world works Rand? Don't you know how things are? This isn't the past. You act as if we're living in the past."
"You... I don't know. You're scaring me."
"I think I love you."
"That isn't possible. It's not possible to love someone. You're really starting to scare me Rand."
"Yes it is possible. I love you. That's why I want to fuck you. It's not because I'm lonely. It's because I love you. I figured that out a few hours ago. I lied when I said I wanted to fuck you because I was lonely. I'm lonely, but that's not why I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you because I love you. I can lie Fori, and I did. I'm capable of lying."
Fori was now shaking.
Mave was staring at Wilme, who was soundly asleep.
"I wish I could sleep like Wilme could. I want to sleep. Why can't I sleep?"
Nobody responded. There was nobody else in the room.
"What's bothering me? What is this? I don't understand. There's something wrong with me."
Nobody responded.
"Someone help me. Can someone help me? What's bothering me? What is this?"
Suddenly the phone rang. Mave picked it up.
The voice said that there had been an accident involving their child.
"Both of them?"
"No, just the 16 year old."
"Oh, ok. Well is Livey alright?"
"No, the 16 year old is dead. I'm sorry to inform you of your loss."
Mave hung up the phone.
"Wake up Wilme," Mave loudly said. "Livey is dead."
"There was a car accident."
"Is our car wrecked?"
"I wasn't told. Livey is dead though. Do you care?"
"No. I don't think I'm capable of caring. Something is bothering me though."
"I don't care."
"Well I'm going back to sleep now. Shit, I can't believe our car is wrecked. I can't believe this. Hey, wasn't Rand in the car? Livey was suppose to pick up Rand today."
"No. Rand wasn't in the car."
"Oh, ok. Well I'm going back to sleep now. Good night."
"Good night."
Mave nervously looked around the room.
"What's bothering me? Someone tell me. I can't take this anymore. I want to sleep. I want to sleep so badly. What's wrong with me? Someone help me. Please? Anyone?"
"Fori, will you kiss me?" Rand asked.
"If you want me to."
Rand and Fori kissed.
"Will you fuck me? I love you. I hate myself, but I love you. I'm sure of it."
"Fucking isn't that great. I would know. I'm almost 4 times your age. You don't need to fuck someone if you love them, I don't think. All it does is cure temporary loneliness."
"That's not true. I know that it isn't."
"I won't fuck you Rand. We're just friends. It wouldn't be right."
"Fori, please listen to me. I want to live with you. Can I live with you?"
"Yes. You can live with me Rand."
"Thanks. Thank you so much."
Rand gave Fori a hug.
"Fori, can I ask you a question?"
"I would assume so."
"Would you fuck me if I was the last person on earth?"
"Yes, I guess I would."
"Well I've figured something out."
"What have you figured out?"
"That I am the last person on earth."
Fori gasped. "I don't believe you. That doesn't make any sense."
"I'm telling you the truth."
There was a long pause.
Fori looked into Rand's eyes, and Rand looked into Fori's. They stared at each other for hours, in complete wonder and silence.
They fucked. |