I'm going to be honest.
It's bad. Well, it's bad in that I don't like it, and I really don't like it.
It doesn't sound like an article or piece of writing of any form. It sounds like an advert that's gone on too long.
Very clever. You clearly listen to Radiohead. But you've just ansked a load of rhetorical questions of which most are, well, completely uninteresting and I wouldn't want to answer anyway. The rest... I'd answer, but I'd eventually walk off because I'm fed up of being asked questions. So: I propose, like in Jepoardy!, to answer questions that aren't there.
You listen to Radiohead. You've watched too much Fight Club. You've read too many magazines with jumpy text that are completely illegible and yet clearly "hip". You read Barbelith, but have tipped over the edge of sanity into thinking that EVERYTHING's a conspiracy. It's not. The voices on the end of your phone, they're not conspiracy, they're your parents calling you up to check you're OK. You're not as old as you think you are, and you're not as young as you used to be. (shit. that bit was bad, it was almost as good as your stuff). You are, in short, taking things FAR TOO SERIOUSLY WHILST SIMULTANEOUSLY MISSING THE FUCKING POINT ALL THE TIME.
Still reading? OK. I'm now going to be serious, and explain my reaction, and why it sounds like i was shouting and waving my hands around. It's bad, no question of that, but it's no worse than anything I've written. What gets me is the genre, the type of thing it is. It's "clever". Not clever. "Clever". It's clever to your average, uninterested highschool kid, but to anyone with an understanding of the themes you're looking at, like, say, most 'lith readers (because this place is about countercultures, even if I'm as countercultural as U2), it smacks of yawnsome adolescent misinterpretation.
Your tone is very, VERY self-confident. You offer questions that are unanswered... and yet it sounds like secretly, YOU know the answer. You're writing with a smug grin on your face, as if you're convinced you can't be upbraided for this. You're expecting stunned silence. What you DON'T want is someone to raise their hand and start laying into you about Pynchon and misinformation and conspiracy theories and just what the hell's going on in America today. Not because you don't know anything about that, no, but because suddenly it's proven that what you're doing isn't that remarkable. And then the bubble bursts.
Try it again. Don't preach so much. What you want to get across is interesting, and worth saying, but I'm NOT a fan of the questions-format at ALL. You don't want to ask the questions, the reader will just go "oh. She knows the answers", and leave it.
You want THEM to ask the questions. Ask them some. Make them ask more.
[ 04-01-2002: Message edited by: Paleface ] |