The period of unity, though long lasting, was eventually shattered by a terrible feud between the Sloughain and Keddlemut families.
When Gimbol Grumble, the last great 'one true gnome' died without an heir both Hummat Sloughain and Jemnam Keddlemut claimed the title as their own. No concensus could be found between the contenders and the situation quickly devolved from spiteful bickering to outright conflict in a matter of weeks.
The great Gnomish commune was lost. The great gnomish city of Um'mm'man was burned by followers of Sloughain. Its centuries old towers and spires were toppled. Its great centres of learning were destroyed. The city was abandoned, and the great gnomish families were scattered to the four corners of the earth.
This time is know as 'urgi'thulagh' in the gnomish tongue, the great badness. A time of strife and upheaval. Few records of this time remain, and it is only spoken of in hushed whispers amongst the gnomish elders to this day. |