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One Sentence at a Time


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07:59 / 06.02.02
[CUT TO: headquarters, plush mahogany office]

Fattyknuckle drumming on mahogany; lemon acrid cigarsmoke, blue in, yellow out; gravelpit vocalcord, with authority: "It is with regret that I note the third anniversary of agent Cecily's disappearance. Mark her down as missing presumed deceased. We must assume that anyone bearing her likeness is an imposter, like John Travolta in Face/Off."
We're The Great Old Ones Now
08:57 / 06.02.02
Cigar smoke rises above him toward the ceiling, obscuring him, for a moment, from the discreet lenses of the surveillance cameras - though only, alas, in the visible spectrum.
10:49 / 06.02.02
Fattyknuckle's assistant, The Odious Malcolm, finishes noting his boss's words, then ventures carefully: "We have, as yet, not received the customary delivery that accompanies this anniversary, although I do have receptives posted at all zodiac points around the headquarters."
13:33 / 06.02.02
"It's time to call Morrison Moore," said Malcolm, massaging his temples.

[ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: grant ]
Analogues On
20:20 / 06.02.02
Before Fattyknuckle’s sentence has time to register on Malcolm-XI’s artificial receptors, it is suddenly replaced by the crackle of the intercom as the voice of Susan Stark, the new synthetic receptionist, materialises like a new language in the ancient grammar of the old board room;

“Morrison Moore is on the line”, her voice purrs, “he has news of Dr Fictionsuit”.
The Monkey
04:20 / 07.02.02
"Yes," said Fattyknuckle, "but is it, or he, the slightest bit intelligible?"
We're The Great Old Ones Now
06:35 / 07.02.02
"That's hardly the point."
Mr Tricks
23:17 / 07.02.02
John Kleese says, walking forward from behind the office walls beeing wheeled aside by a couple of Midget stage-hands, revealing the lights, cameras and recording equipment of a BBC recording studio circa 1976.
Kitten Caboodle
05:29 / 08.02.02
"Because what Mr. Fattyknuckle and Morrison Moore don't know is that one of their oldest schoolfriends is here in the studio right now, waiting to meet and greet them!"

He bends his gangling legs into a half-crouch and the camera follows him on a Pink Panther style subtle creep around the frozen scene. A fly lands on Fattyknuckle's outstretched hand: he doesn't even twitch. Cleese turns again to the camera, sweating slightly in his polyester suit.

"The man we're about to see is quite a celebrity in his own way, although some of you may not have heard of him. He goes by many names but he is best known by his school nickname of - Dr. Jim-Bob Fictionsuit."

A dark figure steps into the glare of the cameras, seeming already to suck a little of the light from the room.

"They were rivals at school and they haven't seen each other for twenty years," Cleese explains in a hoarse whisper. "Can you imagine what they're going to say?!"
The Return Of Rothkoid
07:57 / 08.02.02
The air was full of the sounds of a shifting, uncomfortable audience - though even they couldn't have predicted what was about to happen.

*One sentence at once, folks!*

[ 08-02-2002: Message edited by: The Return Of Rothkoid ]
10:13 / 08.02.02
The dilemma vexing Fattyknuckle at that precise moment was whether to admit that his competitive schoolboy goading had always been an attempt to conceal his frothy admiration for Dr. Fictionsuit's leather arse and thereby usher in a new age of friendship and cooperation, or maintain the rivalry to ward off a possible verbal and emotional drubbing.

[ 08-02-2002: Message edited by: MaChine Lentil ]
13:47 / 08.02.02
"Francisco, you headfucking bastard!" spat Fattyknuckles, realization suddenly dawning on him.
Mr Tricks
18:02 / 08.02.02
"I've always loved you!!!" Fattyknuckles sobbed, unable to hold back the tears that had waited well over 23 years for release.
19:17 / 08.02.02
"Yes, well, too bad you're so ugly," replied Dr. Fictionsuit. "You, however, Morrison Moore are a big delicious piece of work. Once I shave you and have you licked clean, you will make a quaint addition to my Harem Sur Mer!"

[ 08-02-2002: Message edited by: gridley ]
Mr Tricks
23:03 / 08.02.02
Clearing his throat, our intreped announcer John Cleese attepts to casually lean over and whisper "Sir, this is a family program."
We're The Great Old Ones Now
23:03 / 08.02.02
In the sudden darkness which follows this objection, Morlocks emerge from the floor and eat everyone present.
19:29 / 09.02.02
"I just don't understand this british T.V." Cecily mutters hoping to wake the snorring Gary from his blissful sleep, "Insomnia sucks, sometimes I just don't know when I'm dreaming or awake."
Jack Fear
20:22 / 09.02.02
"Mmm," murmurs Gary, opening one eye, "maybe you're neither."
17:59 / 10.02.02
Cecily reaches underneath her pillow, pulls out the blunderbuss, points it at Gary's head, and says, "someday soon, my darling, you'll go too far, but not tonight," before placing it back beneath her pillow.

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