Here's Bill Posters's True Tale from the homophobia thread (slightly edited) to start us off . . .
"I was sitting in a pub in south London, on my own, reading the paper and getting blasted. As you do. A very large white guy walked over and gave me the usual homophobic gobshite. (I was a "poof", "faggot" etc, I got "gang-raped by niggers" and not only that, but apparently I "enjoyed it so much that I was screaming for more all the fackin' time", and that I was going to get a "fackin' good kicking", etc etc.)
He was big and between me and the door. Even though I did have a glass in my hand, I'm really not that sort of guy. A further dimension to the problem was his mobile phone. I've had so many mates get in trouble when someone has hassled them and phoned for reinforcements who 'en masse' have really done damage.
The way one talks and plays the situation is vital and though of course nobody or group is entirely predictable, one can talk one's way out of some situations, I reckon.
I talked a lot - I'll spare the details - but by the time I'd shut up, he was apologising to me (it wasn't his fault, I look "a bit effeminate, it was a mistake anyone could have made", apparently!) and insisting on buying me a beer to make up it. Scared as I was, I thought it best not to seem rude, and of course being a hopeless alcoholic, I said okay, one pint led to another and we proceeded to get extremely pissed.
And at some point during the course of this session with my new 'friend', he came out (pun very much intended) with the immortal "you know mate, if you did give me a blow-job, that wouldn't make you gay" line! Anyone for the 'homophobe as repressed homosexual sublating homoerotic desires into aggression' theory of queerbashing?! I know it's a cliche, but maybe they only become cliches 'cos they've some truth in them.
Anyway, at that stage in the proceedings I did decide it was time to make for home, thus missing the opportunity of heading back to his place and taking lots more of his gear while giving him a male-on-male blowjob which would nevertheless and appearances notwithstanding be of a completely non-gay nature! Me and my crazy life.
I must stop drinking with strangers sometime. But not yet eh?! |