Anyone unfamiliar with the meme matrix can go here to check it out
the following is a summary transcript of the meme meeting held December 2,2001 at wiredhifi:
I am going to break the meme matrix into two sections
one for people who make pages that they update and another as a sort of portal to underground web sites
my goal here is to encourage people to express themselves and to expose people to things beyond the mainstream
i will need some help though
i need to find a bunch of pages to put in the portal version
if you could make a list in a text file it would be much easier to add to the database
by the end of this month i will have my new host and should be able to transfer it to the new site
i am going to let people create pages on it and will be able to provide ftp access
chaozation is going to split into three sites memematrix, cydonia and chaozation
cydonia is going to focus on time and space, chaozation on people and society, and the matrix on networking and exposure
i think if we all focus our individual skills on ths project we can really make it work
3.14159: dont you think we should use the memesd for our benefit? to create ideologies that are beneficial to a cause rather than the ideaology of consumeristic appropriation
Pita: definately
Pita: but another aspect of this is teaching people to defend themselves against the commercial mind control that is so pervasive
it is important that we teach people to clear their personal meme-scape
3.14159: to remove prior memetic imprints pita?
Pita: yes
3.14159: how?
Pita: through meditation and majick
meditation is the key to understanding and majick is the key to creation
Alos: Are we appealing to the average Joe?
Pita: yes but i am more concerned in reaching out to those who are awake and working with them to awaken others
Pi: language is a virus
Pita: i have always felt the ego is a tool you can use to understand your world and manipulate it
3.14159: if you wish as it seems to introduce magick into it then you must consider that all is maliable
3.14159: universal creation begins with I,and moves from there into consenous reality
Pita: i do, trust me, yesterday i went through a wormhole and met the singularity
Pi: did you meet yourself?
Pita: i met everything
Alos: But reaching out to average've got to dumb everything down......
Alos: Explain everything from scratch as if each person that visits has no background.
Pita: as I said i want to get people working together so we can better build this meme clearing memeplex
3.14159: everybody should be granted the chance to be on equal footing
Pita: thats why i want people to work with me on this project
Pita: pages are welcome from any site
Fnord: you want an anarchosyndicalist website
Pita: in a way
Pita: but its more than that
Pita: i want to participate in a huge collaborative web art project
Pita: i want to include more than the ttp
Pita: they have been invited to work with me in any way that they are comfortable
Pita: we have similar intentions
Pita: so why not continue our projects and collaborate from time to time
Pita: unite in form rather than name
Pita: then all are equal
Pita: all of our preconceptions about others are meaningless the focus needs to be on creation and exposure
Pita: it need not be like my other works
Pita: i seek the help of others so that it will be more balanced and attractive
Alos: I think desire is one of the most important parts about being alive!
Alos: For, what is life but a playhouse for the soul?
Pita: true alos but what happens when the soul is not allowed to awaken
Pita: desire can be used to enslave
Pita: memetics will control you if you do not master it
Pita: no dogma just action
valis: what sort of action?
Pita: the art in whatever way you are called to do it
Fnord: i think valis the whole thing is impossible to succeeed in
Pita: if it allows me to speak out it succeeds if it allows others to speak out its success grows exponentially
Fnord: if it's the thought or effort that countsd then fine but you WILL get very fustrated by ppl not understanding what you are trying to do
Pita: all great works of art are
Pita: i am only doing my art
Pita: and inviting others to join me
Pita: we need to stop fighting amongst ourselves and find out what each of us can offer
Pita: i consider all of you my equal
Pita: so clear the memes and live
Pita: be compassionate and help others once you find your path
Pita: the light is brighter when there are more sources
Alos: it is not the teachers responsiblity to force the student to learn....the responsibility lies fully within the individual.
Fnord: dfdfbfd
Pita: you can encourage those who are awake or partially awake to work together
Pita: harmonize and entrain
Alos: But what about those that aren't awake?
Pita: if they find us in their dream we can awaken them otherwise they are on their own
Pita: everyone has ego issues at some point
Pita: the message that clarity can lead to understanding is a good message to spread
Pita: are illusion
Pita: all of the great comedians used memetics
Pita: they bring to mind the madness of consensus reality
Pita: and in doing so expose if even for a moment the illusion of its strength
Pita: the TTP could be more open if they wanted too but it is their choice
Pita: they are doing their thing
Pita: they have created mystery since day one it is their choice to do things that way and it works for them good job i say, but i have a different style
Pita: mystery leads to confusion and that is the paradox of their messages concerning clarity and focus
3.14159: give me a reason to stay?
Pita: you need to choose what you want to do and do it
Pita: stop fighting with yourself
Pita: i hope all of you can come away from this with an understanding about my project
Pita: let me know of any ideas you would like to collaborate on |