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Potential Comics God Required

Nelson Evergreen
13:04 / 05.12.01
Up to my peepers as I am in time-devouring 'projects' just now, this is possibly a silly post, but hey, what the hell,etc.

I'm beavering away on writing/illustrating comics. The writing takes ages. The visuals are automatic. I'd really like to not worry about the words for a while, and just concentrate on illustrating someone else's. I've been knocked out by the quality of some of the wordplay around here; assuming we all found our way to Barbelith via "The Invisibles", there must be some killer fictions bubbling away at the back of some of those comic-geek heads out there....

My style's kind of.....ah, fuck it. Here's a sample.

There's more on my site. Some of it's pleasant but archaic (and soon to be replaced), so click on the 'Mark E. Moon' link to see where it's all heading.

Anyone fancy knocking up a casual little slice of genius? Maybe make a splash? Or maybe just keep ourselves amused until Spring arrives and we can all go outdoors again?



[ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: Nelson Evergreen ]

[ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: Nelson Evergreen ]
13:25 / 05.12.01
oooooh that looks great. What sort of stories do you have in mind fantasy? slice of life? sci fi?[/LIST]
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:27 / 05.12.01
I am definitely interested.

Do I detect a slight Frank Quitely influence? That's a compliment, by the way...

[ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: Flyboy ]
13:28 / 05.12.01
I do have a few short scripts kicking about if you are interested...
Jimmy Turncoat
13:32 / 05.12.01
Yes. I'm a comics writer and I'm always keen on finding new & talented people to work with. I've had a couple of my stories published in a small press anthology thing earlier in the year, which were fairly well received, so I'm now working on various follow up projects.

My schedule is a bit nuts at the moment so I don't have any projects ready to go in the immediate future, but your artwork looks great and I'd really like to do some work with you at some point when my deadlines are less mental. I'll send you an e-mail this week.
rizla mission
13:40 / 05.12.01
Nice drawing.

Much as I have an urge to shout "ME!ME!ME!" and fling comics scripts (my preferred creative medium) at you for days on end, I'll instead recommend the Flyboy's comic to you, cos his script was really cool and it would be nice to see it drawn.
Eloi Tsabaoth
13:48 / 05.12.01
Second the Flyboy.
13:48 / 05.12.01
Nice fukin site Gotta Love Splatman....
Nelson Evergreen
14:10 / 05.12.01
Awwww, you guys . Thanks for the kind words.

I'm up for any kind of style, any kind of genre, slag that I am. Fantasy, real life, sci-fi, figurative, cartoon, whatever. 'Don't care so long as the story gives me the horn, so to speak. That said, I've been doing lots of big fuck-off robots and deformed beasties of late, so my imagination's well and truly off the leash at present, and likely to stay there for some time.

Let's have some stories, then....
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:11 / 05.12.01
Dear holy god. Splatman is bloody good.
Sod flyboy! work with me!
14:15 / 05.12.01
are you all right receiving scripts in pdf format?
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:19 / 05.12.01
Splatman is bloody good. Diseased and lovely. Work with all of us! Be our art whore...

How does a black comedy about a young social outcast murdering his entire school with the help of big fuck-off robots and deformed beasties grab you? Because I was working on the script for a comic about that last year/earlier this year, and although I'd want to tweak it a bit first, I could send you some stuff in the next couple of days (outline, preview script, character sketches).
Jack Fear
14:38 / 05.12.01
An embarrassment of riches, here...

Watch for an e-mail with attached *.doc file soonish.
rizla mission
14:40 / 05.12.01
Ditto. Maybe.

If you want to draw other people's comics, you could scarcely have picked a better place in the whole world, Nelson..
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:47 / 05.12.01
Nah, better he pick somewhere with just one guy. The poor fella´s going to be clearing out his mailbox for months.
I would love to work with him, but I am A) probably not good enough B) extremely busy C) waiting for Brian Bolland to return my calls.
Nelson Evergreen
15:39 / 05.12.01
Dear Flyboy, Sleazenation, Rizla, Jack et al,

PDF is fine, or just paste it into an e-mail. No Word docs please, 'cause I can never open the damn things on my Mac.

Yours, soon to be crushed beneath an avalanche of rousing fiction,


[ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: Nelson Evergreen ]
19:41 / 05.12.01
Ooh. Nice work. You say you did it in Photoshop?

I wish I could join the stampede to write something for you, but unfortunately, I'm booked through the next month or so. If things die down, I'll drop you some page.

'til then, all the best.
Nelson Evergreen
06:23 / 06.12.01
Photoshop it is. I usually ink the pictures on paper, then scan them in and conduct a series of 'experiments' on their sorry asses.
Eloi Tsabaoth
13:54 / 17.12.01
So, anyone in bed together?
Nelson Evergreen
17:30 / 18.12.01
I've only recieved a couple so far, and I'm going to have a crack at both of them, which should keep me busy for a month or so.....
Not Here Still
17:37 / 18.12.01
Shit, I missed this.

When are you back in Wrexham?

I could give you a script then - I'm off for the next few days after tomorrow...
The Natural Way
11:32 / 19.12.01
Not Here Still
16:15 / 01.01.02
Nelson, check your private messages - because I didn't until too late.

Sorry to have missed you, and reading this, for asking that damn fool question about genre...
Mr Tricks
20:54 / 03.01.02
hey... this is some great stuff!!!
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