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Constitution, Schmonstitution, White House Reiterates
LOS ANGELES--"Look," a senior Bush administration employee insists, gazing up at one of the incessantly circling helicopters that have become par for the course since 9/11, "of course we have to," he lifts the index and middle fingers of both hands in the classic sign for quotation marks, "violate the US Constitution. I mean, we're at war! The Constitution was never intended to stand as a guideline for the governing of human beings under such heightened circumstances. What did the founding fathers know about war, fer cryin' out loud? Buncha hippies that they were."
Since the terrorist attacks against New York and Washington, D.C. on September 11th of this year, certain liberal-minded libertines have been rather unfashionably outspoken against what they perceive to be the most blatant disregard for the defining document of United States government since the current President's father, may His name be forever praised in the Valhalla-like halls of Billy Graham's Heaven, occupied the nation's highest office. These clearly retarded critics cite the detention of "innocent" men and women by federal and state authorities, the already-infamous state of Michigan invitation-to-chat letter, and pretty much everything to come out of Attorney General John Ashcroft's pie-hole in the last three months as evidence of the Bush Dynasty's plan to, that's right, Pinkie, TAKE OVER THE WORLD, starting right here in George Halas' own America.
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