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Soliciting short science fiction

18:03 / 29.11.01
If any of you creative types have a SCIENCE FICTION story lying around that is 900 WORDS LONG, set in the FUTURE, and NOT A ROMANCE, my paper is looking for one for our next expanded issue. Get it to me ( within the next couple days. There may be a (very) small amount of money involved.
I may wind up writing one myself, if I come across a good idea soon enough.
Whisky Priestess
12:33 / 30.11.01
I'll SEE what I can FIND or CUT.
rizla mission
15:01 / 30.11.01
Does it have to be 'traditional' Sceince Fiction, with rocket engines and alien planets such like, or will loony stuff suffice?
15:50 / 30.11.01
Once I wrote a short piece of science fiction in English to be added to a winamp skin. I'll see if the guy to whom I emailed the story to still have it, so he can send me back, then I'll send it to you... it's no big thing anyway... and you will have to fix the slightly wonky english...
15:59 / 30.11.01
Yes, it should be regular - every four weeks. The bigger the backlog of stories, the better off we are, and the better y'all make me look as a wrangler of writers.

It's important to bear in mind this ain't a literary mag, it's a tabloid. Simple stories told in invisible, elementary prose. Hopefully with a fun twist or happy ending.

Classic tropes (the first one is gonna feature space invaders) are good; extrapolations from current "high tech" is cool. Distopias and Ballard-esque explorations of reality aren't going to get too far.

And on the CUTTING, the 900-word limit is fairly firm. There will be PAINTED ILLUSTRATIONS by a REALLY GOOD ARTIST, so there's a little wiggle room there as far as layout goes.

But not much.
rizla mission
16:10 / 30.11.01
quote:Originally posted by grant:
Distopias and Ballard-esque explorations of reality aren't going to get too far.

oh well.

Still, good luck. Sounds fairly neat.
16:46 / 30.11.01
I have seen some of those stories in the tabloid and I assume this means they have a new artist because the one who did the others could barely draw a recognizable person.
20:39 / 30.11.01
Holy shit.
Is this for the Sun then?
Can we do stuff with the hollow earth, mole people and stuff?
11:32 / 01.12.01
I apologize for that last post. I realized after that I had no idea what tabloid I saw that baaad art in though I remember that they illustrated some civil war-era story.
21:34 / 02.12.01
Hey, grant!
Just sent you an e-mail with a little story... see what you think of it
14:26 / 03.12.01
Ria: if it wasn't Fred Harper, it wasn't the Sun.

We've only got painted illustrations in the fiction-type stories (and I don't mean the "real" Nostradamus stuff).

I dunno. I like Fred's style.
14:49 / 03.12.01
any cryptid creature stories allowed?
15:27 / 03.12.01
I think so, yeah -- as long as it seems *futuristic*.

Theme is "future".
16:03 / 03.12.01
grant, I did get confused with another tabloid and I agree with you on the quality of Fred's work.
06:56 / 05.12.01
If it's a regular thing, I can chuck you something along those lines in the next couple of weeks...
12:34 / 05.12.01
Throw me what you got, but bear in mind, this is pulpy pulp stuff. Not literary at all, and not too mindbending. The opportunity is there, but it's gotta be subtle.
18:51 / 05.12.01
Is it ok to still get in on this? I'll see what I can send. 900 is not much!
19:29 / 05.12.01
Are submissions still open? What's the name of the paper?

I've got something that just came out on paper today that's about the right length, but needs a bit of polish...
13:29 / 06.12.01
Send what you got - the idea is this is going to be a regular part of our "expanded" issues, which come every three or four weeks. Instead of adding the same kind of content to our paper for these crunch-weeks, our Editor (in His Grand Wisdom) decided to make the additional material its own mini-magazine called "Tomorrow," featuring stories of prophecies, new inventions, and (starting in January) a short science fiction story.
We already include, every week, the "10-Minute Romance" and the adventures of reporter Pat Roller, which tend to be good pulpy fun, written by a veteran wacky tabloid guy.
16:24 / 10.12.01
Grant: I promise to actually write something this time. I'll try to email it to you by the end of the day.
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