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Blake Chipper - golden age

We're The Great Old Ones Now
13:21 / 22.11.01
See, gentle reader, the inky black of the vast Cosmos! The peace of God's Creation and the silence, infinte majesty of His Works...
But Behold! This tiny dot is glowing a violent and angry red! It expands! This star, this other Sun, so like our own, consumes its planetary companions like tiny morsels in its final moments - a fiery death for one.
From the very heart of the blaze there tumbles a dandelion seed of purest Adamant, the fundemental substance from which the Hammer of God is made, and in it, a newborn, a refugee, thrust by his mother's hand into the care of the Infinite...
Through space it falls like a comet, until finally, by chance, smashing to the surface of a world far, far away, in the deep countryside of the most powerful nation on Earth...
Great Britain.
A lonely road, a late night, and an elderly and childless aristocrat is returning with his wife from a ruthless coktail party. The lines of his face are worn with care as he guides the motorcar through the winding roads of his estate.
The burning star flashes over head! His Grace Matthew West-Poges brings the car to a halt, and moments later, he and Helena stare downward into the glowing dandelion.
"My Goodness, Matthew, it's just a child!"
"That'll be gypos."
"Matthew, don't be silly, he's from space."
"Yes, yes. Well, space gypos, then."
She shushes him, and her eyes are soft with gentle emotions.
"Darling, we need a baby. Let's have this one!"
His Grace surveys the infant from afar. It has no obvious congenital defects, is plainly of acceptable parentage, and possesses the immense advantage of not requiring him to perform conjugal duties for which he had no appetite as a young man. A gentle, reserved and sorrowful man, this Heaven-sent refugee cries out for his protection - and he conceals unmanly delight behind a gruff facade.
"All right, all right. But if I see so much as a tentacle or a third eye, I shall be extremely unhappy."
The baby curled a tiny hand about the Duke's finger, and clung on.
"Oh, I say. Chipper little tyke. My, yes..."
The Duke's smile is genuine and deep. And the deal is struck - Muhu Hah, the boy from space, will be raised as the heir to West-Poges.
In time, with training in the finer things, he will become Blake Chipper, the Duke From Space!!!!
To Be Cont'd...
Posts: 657 | From: London | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Member # 1088

posted 21-11-2001 11:34 AM    
Many years later...
"Florrie! Florrie!" His Grace's voice rings out proud and valiant, like the roar of a stag in rut, or the brave call-to-arms of a fearless general urging his troops over the top one last time to what will surely be their inevitably and rather bloody death.
"Florrie! Where's that bloody son of mine?"
Lady West-Poges looks up from her macrame - a work in progress of the Relief of Mafeking - and indicates that her husband should lower his voice a decibel or two, given that they are both in the drawing room and not in the field hunting servants with pop-guns.
"Now, dear," she smiles, attempting to regulate the volume with hushed tones. "What do you want? The whereabouts of our dear, dear son, Chipper?"
"Precisely!" thunders His Grace. "I sent him for my breakfast curry more than three bloody hours ago! I'll have made my toilet, brushed my teeth and shot a brace of negroes before I've tasted the muck!"
"Well," says Florrie calmly. "You did insist that he went to Madras for it. It is an awfully long way, isn't it, dear?"
At that moment there is something of a commotion from the courtyard, followed by the rather regretful sound of what can only be His Grace's favourite Rolls Royce Corniche being mangled into enough scrap metal to make one of those frightful modern sculptures out of.
"Chipper's back!" says Florrie brightly.
Her husband groans into his handlebar moustache. "And thrashed my car, by the sounds of it. I wish he would learn that when he's flying at twice the speed of sound, he really should begin to slow down on his approach back to the house. Last week it was the big stained glass window in the chapel, the week before that he killed the stableboy who was having it off with that girl from the village in the barn, which Chipper landed on. Now my car. I swear, Florrie, if he didn't have the strength of a hundred Arabs I'd tan his hide."
Posts: 236 | From: Oop North | Registered: Oct 2001  |  IP: Logged
Whisky Priestess
Member # 113

posted 21-11-2001 05:29 PM    
“Darling” his wife reminded him gently, adding another severed head to the carnage on her macramé, “My name is Helena. Florrie is your dog.”
West-Poges shook his greying head with the irritable gesture of a thoroughbred stallion bothered by a fly.
“Never mind that, dear. The point is, the boy’s a menace. To life and limb.”
Helena quailed.
“I mean it this time, Florrie. It’s time to send that boy to University.”
“No!" she yelped, stabbing herself involuntarily in the thumb, “You can’t mean it! Remember what happened last time . . “
[ 21-11-2001: Message edited by: Whisky Priestess ]
Posts: 433 | From: salubrious King's Cross | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Clever Clogs Todd
Member # 342

posted 21-11-2001 06:35 PM    
Many, many years earlier...
Deepest, Darkest Africa
A pleasure craft lazes its way down a placid river. The teeming jungle crowds up against the riverbed. The calm green walls belie the restless sounds one can hear from behind them.
Duke and Lady West-Poges lounge on the deck of the boat, being shaded by two nubile, topless natives. Their countenances mirror the tranquilly of their surroundings. Lady West-Poges gently clacking knitting needles provide accompaniment for the melody provided by buzzing jungle flies. From time to time the girls lean over and swat these fist-sized flys away from the peers. Suddenly, His Grace sits bolt upright, jutting his pith-helmeted between the sweat-sheened bosoms of his servant.
"By God's mighty balls, Florrie. I haven't killed anything in near two hours! What kind of a safari is this? A papist one?"
"Now dear, I'm sure the Jeusits have nothing to do with your lack of game to slaughter."
"Are you mad woman? What good can come of missionary work? Tell these savages about God, and soon they'll be wearing clothes, washing before they eat, and attending our best universities, when what God made them for is shading us from this ghastly sun, thrashing about in the brush to stir up rhinos, and maybe do a little dance for us sometime."
"They ARE a musical people."
"Too right."
The Duke pulls a silver piccolo from his breast pocket and blows a short trill. A small troop of pygmies, of all ages and sex, emerges from below decks.
"You lot, dive into the water and make some noise. That's it, take a nice dip, you dirty things."
The pygmies slip into the calm water. Immediately, the river comes to roiling life. A dozen 15 foot long river submerged river crocs attack the hapless pygmies.
"Hah, hah look at those snapping jaws! They'll look smashing mounted above the mantle. Lord Bess-Eaton will be so jealous."
The Duke fires his carbine expertly into the fray, killing several crocs right off. It soon become apparent, however, that there are too many of them. The pygmies whoops of funs become the shrieks of the maimed and the shrieks of the to-be-maimed."
" Do something Matthew! Those poor creatures are being eaten alive."
His Grace's face turns grim.
"Get me some more ammunition Florrie! There's a good lass"
Screams fill the jungle air and Gunpowder smoke swirls about as the t Duke futilely tries to save the pygmies.
Finally, his ammunition spent, he places his knife into his teeth and dives into the water. The last croc is bearing down on a young pygmy boy, who's clinging to the mangled corpse of his father.
"Take that, you stygian beast. And that!"
The croc vanquished by the timely strokes of the Duke's trusty knife, he collects the young pygmy boy and climbs back on bored.
"oh Matthew! That was so noble of you!"
"Someone has to defend these savages against a world that is bound to defeat them."
The boy starts bawling, calling for his dead relatives.
"Matthew, he must be only 4 or 5 years old. And an orphan! Isn't there something we can do?"
His grace lifts the boy up, staring at him right in his eyes. The boy falls silent.
"I'll be damned if I let the papists get a hold of him. We'll make you a fine Englishman, my boy."
And with that, the young pygmy lad became Neville West-Poges...
13:46 / 22.11.01
Lord and Lady West-Poges ruminate uncomfortably in the wood-panelled sanctum sanctorum of the Dean of Oxbridge, Dr Everson Pickles-Shallott, as the good doctor himself drums his fingers anxiously on the teak desk that stretches out in front of him like the African veldt where he earned his manhood at the harem of a nomadic nobleman.
"You understand our wariness, Lord and Lady West-Poges," says Dr Pickles-Shallott nervously.
"Of course," begins Helena, but her husband interjects with the kind of gruffness that won him the respect of every man he mutilated: "Stuff and nonsense, Florrie. Of course we don't understand. Chipper is the one and only rightful heir to the West-Poges fortune, he simply must go to Oxbridge. No question about it."
Dr Pickles-Shallott swallows like a choirboy kept behind after Vespers, and tries to proceed. "It's just with that... that other business... with..."
West-Poges inserts his monocle into his right eye and inspects the quivering jelly in front of him. "Say what you mean, man!" he snorts. "You're talking about-" he pauses to spit on the head boy, kneeling beside the desk and waiting interminably for Dr Pickles-Shallott to declare his shoe-polishing work of suitable standard. "- you're talking about Neville, aren't you?"
At the name, Helena swoons. West-Poges looks at her without pity, and leaves her on the floor where she crumples. Dr Pickles-Shallott nods nervously.
"Well, that's all in order then," says West-Poges, standing up and giving Helena a loving kick. "Come along, Florrie, all is well."
"But-but-" protests the good doctor. West-Poges is having none of it.
"You must read the papers, Pickles-Shallott. Neville West-Poges is no more. The stunted little beast no longer bears the family name. Not after what he did. I have only one son, and that is Blake Chipper!"
13:56 / 22.11.01
And so our hero was accepted in the hallowed halls of the Academe - and perhaps in time we shall learn more of his doings there. But for now, he brushes memory away - his time in Oxbridge is done, and there is work ahead! Beneath him, in the city he loves...

Oily Mike Dupres charges like a buffalo from the bank, his broad hands filled with weighty cases containing the fruits of his trade - ingots, in their hundreds!

Dupres knows no common decency; no law of man will hold him back, and of God's law he is as ignorant as the smallest babe or the foulest heretic! He darts to his automobile, driven by his partner in crime, the dreadful Gutshot Tony Brown! They've pulled off a fine heist for their master this time, and will surely be well paid for this morning's work - and yet, in the bank, a brave man bleeds his life's flood upon the floor, victim of scoundrels...

Is there no one to arrest this dreadful duo, to halt the crime in progress? It seems there is! For from the very smog-washed heavens of London's grimy sky there tumbles a figure of legend; his shoulders broad, his eye piercing, his mind keen in understanding, swift in science, yet mellow in companionship and merciful in triumph.

But despite his gentlemanly inclinations, he shows no mercy yet to these two fiends! No, indeed, his mighty arms reach down and tear asunder the metal door of their conveyance like so much camembert!

Who is this masked man? This dashing yet far from ostentatious character, who now surrenders his prizes willingly to the waiting officers of the law? His strength is unearthly, his pose almost kingly -

It is the man the world will know as Blake Chipper, the Duke From Space!!!
Ethan Hawke
10:43 / 23.11.01
Piercing God's low, sooty canopy over London is a modern-day tower of babel. A monolith, shaped in an abstract human form, loomed over the city. From its soft, rounded feet to tips of its outstreched arms, it seems blown out of a single piece of dark glass. Huge black arms stretch up toward the sky, the hands folding at the pinnacle of the building.

If one were a bird, one could see the smooth,subtle grooves and ridges on those colossal hands. You could see the mighty knuckles, forever entwined in a rigid embrace. You could see a single, clear window, where the the nail of the middle finger on the left hand would be. You could even look inside and see the private workspace of one of the most powerful men to walk the planet, founder and chairman of Small Universe Enterprises, Neville West-Poges...


An empty chamber, the ceiling rounded and vaulted like an ebony igloo. A single desk, idiosyncratically ancient, made of mahonagony. An eames desk chair, with extra cushions piled onto the seat. And in that chair, one man.

The man scratches thoughtfully in a black leather ledger. Some things he prefers to do the old-fashioned way. He is dark in aspect, and diminutive. He has the thoughtful though smooth brow of a Tibetan monk. His spectacle ride low on his proud nose. When deep in thought, he has the tendency to lick the end of his pen as if it were a fudgesicle.

Aside from the ledger, the only thing that stands on the desk is a framed photo. It shows a beautiful young girl in her twenties, blonde, vibrant, and big-boned. It is getting late. Neville places closes his ledged and lets his pen drop to the desk. A fully articulated robotic hand slides out of the pinstriped sleeve of his old-fashioned Saville Row tailored suit with the gentle hum of servomotors. He grasps the photo and looks at it, pensively.

His reverie is disturbed by a booming voice.

"Oh Neville, I'm b-a-a-c-k."

A slender young blonde man, Dirk "Bananas" Foster, waltzes into the room. Foster sports a rakish, mod trenchcoat and the complicated hair of a manga hero.

"Look what I've got."

He tosses an overstuffed manilla folder onto the desk. Neville glances at it.

"already?" The great man quietly says. "You were able to infiltrate all the facilities already?"

"That's what you hired me for. THe best in industrial espionage. I've got ALL the formulas --Nevirapine, Saquinavir,Lopinavir--

Neville raises his hand to cut off this litany of trademark drug names.

"excellent. Than we can proceed with the plan."

"You really are going to go through with this?"

"I have no choice. History has chosen me. This is the way I can effect the world and make it a better place to live. IF I am breaking the laws of man, so be it."

Neville pauses.

"Sorry for being so dramatic. The labs will start synthesizing the drugs tomorrow. Hopefully, within a few short months we can start distributing them worldwide."

"They'll try to stop you know. You won't get away with this. They're too powerful, and they won't like you giving away they're products for free to people who can barely read. A lot of people have a lot of money riding on continuing the HIV epidemic in Africa."

"I'm only afraid of one man. Only one man would have the gall to stop me..."


"Blake Chipper, the duke from space"
11:00 / 23.11.01
"Rutting right there in the street! Just like animals! Sometimes three, four, five or six of the blighters, all writhing together like one damp knot of copulation!"
Lord West-Poges pauses to adjust the burgeoning erection pressing uncomfortably at the buttons of his twill trousers. "I took up my trusty elephant gun, and... ROAR! Arms and bloody legs everywhere. There was one of the fillies still breathing, so I dropped the old trews and jumped on for a quick hack. She had no head, but at least the damned bitch couldn't complain."
His Grace harumphs into his brandy, dislodging lumps of raw flesh left over from his lunch which had become trapped in his moustache. Blake smiles politely and sighs to himself. Sometimes his father's tales of his time in Africa were so... wearing.
Lord West-Poges' laughter turns into a coughing fit, and after spitting a huge ball of phlegm into the roaring fire he reaches for the newspaper at his table.
"Ah, son of mine, made the front pages of the Daily Sketch again, I see?"
Blake nods. "Spot of bother in town, father. Nothing I couldn't deal with."
"Pity you had to knock over the Albert Memorial, though," says His Grace absently. "Always been quite fond of that. We are going to have to hone your talents to stop you being quite so clumsy, Blake m'boy, especially if we're going to put you up against..."
"Who, father?" says Blake excitedly.
"Um, nothing. Later," says His Grace, waving away his impossibly muscular son.
Blake says he has decided to head to the river to see if his rather excellently otherworldly vision can help him spot any courting couples, but as he leaves his mind is on other matters. He knows precisely who his father is talking about.
The Pygmy!
13:46 / 23.11.01
Darkest Africa, forty years beforehand:

The thick jungle gloom is no bar to the keen vision of the two pith-helmeted explorers, brothers in blood as well as in arms, as they stalk a brace of Simpkin's Yowling Gazelles through the steamy glade.

Silent, deadly, clad in brilliant white three-piece jungle suits - which are at once magnificent examples of the brothers' successful civilisation of the natives of New Savile Row in the village of Kamara, and totally impractical - these lean, hard slaughter machines move to surround the herd.

The taller, and, it must be said, handsomer, of the two is Neville West-Poges, heir to the Duchy of Sutton-under-Wold, and his brother's elder by a scant fifteen minutes. A childhood accident with an uppity under-gardener had stunted the growth of the smaller Matthew, who nurtures in his heart a sullen resentment of his twin's lambent majesty and effortless success.

Softly, Neville raises his elephant gun (his gazelle gun having been spirited away by an enterprising chimpanzee) and motions to Matthew to do the same.

The gazelles crop the lianas placidly, unaware that a terrible filial tragedy is about to be played out in front of their uncomprehending eyes . . .

Neville raises his gun and aims at the gazelles.

Matthew raises his gun and aims at Neville.


The reports are deafening. Twenty gazelles explode in a flurry of flesh, bone and big Bambi eyes. Matthew rushes through the carnage to ensure that his brother is dead.
The big man has taken a thighful of shot, and lies bleeding and groaning amid the lush foliage, green splattered with vibrant red.

"Matthew . . ." he groans. "Help me!"

Matthew had always had more of a taste for blood sports than his sibling, and surely fratricide is the greatest thrill of all!
He turns on his heel and leaves his brother dying on the bloodied ground.

* * *

But Neville is a West-Poges, and West Pogeses do not give up on life so easily! They cling to it with an ardour rarely found in any but the toughest of cockroaches, until even Death himself has to pry that precious gift from between their cold, dead, aristocratic fingers.

Dragging himself through the jungle for eight miles, his legs bleeding and broken beyond hope of recovery, Neville will not rest. Eventually, as night falls, he comes to a small village, hitherto untroubled by white men. All this is about to change.

The pygmies feed and care for Neville, and he lives among them and comes to love and understand their woman and their ways.

After ten years, he is more pygmy than Englishman - althought the veneer of Westernisation remains.

After twenty years, he is ready to leave the jungle and seek his revenge on his younger brother.

After thirty years, he has formulated a plan that will denude all Africa of human life save that of his beloved pygmy tribe, who are congenitally immune to the HIV virus.

After forty years, Neville West-Poges, known to his many fearful enemies as simply The Pygmy, is ready to take over the world!

[ 23-11-2001: Message edited by: $moke ]
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