I am the very model of a modern Gothic mis'rable,
I've information ponderous and also metaphysical,
I know the roles of sev-er-al black market pharmaceuticals,
From chloroform to laudanum my words are indisputable...
I'm very well-acquainted, too, with poets of a certain stripe,
Byron, Keats, and Shelley, yes, not Eliot he's a load of tripe;
I'm fond of many kinds of clothing; leather, rubber, and fishnet,
And detail my grief and my doom to baffled people I've just met...
I have a lot of trouble with my rosy cheeks and healhy skin,
And though I eat quite mod'rately, it's true that I'm not famine-thin,
At five foot ten and nine stone two, it's clear I will survive the night,
My eyes are jolly, bright, not dim, my semblance to a corpse is slight...
And so, dear friend, I leave you now, with this my final wa-ar-ning...
If you think I'm healthy in the night, just wait until the mo-or-ning!
[ 15-11-2001: Message edited by: The Miser's Beautiful Daughter ] |