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"Girl Fag and Boy Dyke" Writers Wanted

Bill Posters
14:27 / 06.11.01
Just got this e-mail and thought I'd share it:

>Girl Fags, Boy Dykes, Transpeople with Fag Attitudes...Whatcha
>What It Is: Submissions are currently being sought for an anthology
>exploring how women and transgendered people make use of male
>homosexuality and its representations in their own sexual journeys,
>constructions, and practices. Do you ever "feel like a gay man?" Do
>pass as one? Do you identify with man-on-man sexual practices? Are
you a
>gay man assigned female at birth? Do you have what feels like gay
>sex? Do you gravitate toward male sex space? Have queer male
lovers? A
>"boy" attitude or
>presentation? Whether you identify with certain aspects of
>same-gender-loving male culture at certain times, or have a more
>wrought identity, your story, essay,
>poem or work of art may belong here.
>Why It Is: The last decade has seen a proliferation of gender
>evidenced in the popular press, and particularly in more cutting-edge
>performance art spaces. Among these have been voices of women who in
>way, shape or form, identify with or partake of man-on-man sexual

>In comparison with other groups, gay male communities have
>encouraged and accepted multiple sexual partners and the expression
>pursuit of specifically articulated sexual preferences. This model
>comparatively well-developed sexual vocabulary and culture of
>holds an appeal for some women, who have been silenced and
>around our sexual desires and practices.
>Who Done It: Jill Nagle ( is editing this
>collection. She is often fag-identified for the reasons cited above.
>is also fascinated by her experiences in male sex spaces, and the
>permutations of gender and orientation therein. Her goal is to
>and publish a short collection (10-15 pieces) covering a range of
>on the topic. Her most recently completed major work is an anthology
>entitled Whores and Other Feminists (Routledge, Winter, 1997). Her
>as associate editor, is Male Lust:
>Pleasure, Power and Transformation (Haworth, 2000, Kerwin Kay, ed.)
>agent is currently searching for a home for The Zen of Getting Laid,
>she is also working on several screenplays, including a collaborative
>effort about Edgar Cayce's life and work.
>How to: Autobiography, essays, fiction, poetry, photographs and
>are all welcome. Contributors may be of any gender, as long as the
>is relevant. For example, someone who does not identify as a female
>may write about others who do, themselves at a time when they did, or
>topic in general. There is no minimum or maximum length. Include a
>bio (50-75 words). Submit double-spaced hard copy plus disk, labeled
>system and program used to Jill Nagle, Editor, Girlfag Anthology,
1388 Haight
>Street #215, San Francisco, CA, 94117, or email to,
>both Word attachment *and* pasted into the body of the text. Payment
>be $50.00-$100.00 upon publication. Call Jill at (415) 541-5618 for
>information. The deadline is open, but get things in ASAP!
Whisky Priestess
10:10 / 07.11.01
Sounds like a gift for all slashers. Calling especially Deva, Jackie S etc.

So dow e think they're basically asking for "gay male" writing by women?
Disco is My Class War
02:38 / 09.11.01
Wow. This is totally exactly down my alley. Thanks to Bill Laden (Galactic?). I'll get writing.
Medea Zero
04:46 / 11.11.01
rosa and bill laden, thanks for the heads-up.... this looks very cool.

... and jill nagle editing? damn... looks like it'll be a seriously good anthology.
Bill Posters
12:04 / 11.11.01
Glad it's of interest kids, wasn't really down my alley but I thought some of the Barbeloids could use it. Oh and yes Rosa, before this gloriously tasteless suit I was indeed Bill the Galactic Hero.
Disco is My Class War
02:08 / 13.11.01
quote:Originally posted by Whisky Priestess:
Sounds like a gift for all slashers. Calling especially Deva, Jackie S etc.

So dow e think they're basically asking for "gay male" writing by women?

Not necessarily. maybe, but that's not how I'm taking it. They're asking for writing about cross-identifications, which could mean talking about your relationship to slash fanfic, but for me has much more to do with having spent a chunk of my life either a) wanting to be a gay man or b) fantasising about being a gay man or c) going out with one. And the various ramifications of this. Particularly, for me, how I relate to 'queer maculinity' -- through body image or whatever. (I'm not being specific here, really, because I tend to be kind of protective about revealing ths stuff, but I'm happy to explain more if anyone wants.)

There's a list on yahoogroups called 'Girlfags', which I assume was one of the inspirations for this anthology, although there are a lot of women on that list who are *attracted* to fags, rather than wanna be them. Jill nagle herself has written lots about it. Check out her essay in Pomosexuals.

By the way, medea, whilst on the board it may be politic to respect the capital letter at the start of one's name, if you don't mind. *wink*
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