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Heroic Fiction collaboration

We're The Great Old Ones Now
17:05 / 05.11.01
The Man's scent is bagder grease and tanned fur, with a salt tang of sweat and metal. It drifts above the snow, drawing Mog out from his cave despite the early chill. Mog limps slightly, the thick scar tissue and aching muscles in his hind right leg an irritation of whose source he has no memory. Mog fought another of his kind some weeks back; a great, howling mass of tooth and cunning, older and bigger than Mog. The other is now growing tangy and ripe in the chill springs of Mog's cave, on the ledge some six feet down beneath the water where Mog keeps his winter larder. Mog won because he was smarter and meaner, and better-fed.

Mog will feed on the Man as a snack, not because he is hungry. He will feed because this place is his. And he will feed because he likes the taste of Man and the crunch of manshell, the metal and the meat.

Mog scales the rock face above his shelter and slips onto the ice, skating smoothly and almost silently down to the flow. He stalks the Man playfully, never letting down his guard, never closing too fast. He is only a few feet from where the Man lies, unaware, when the thing happens and Mog's world is drenched in snow and pain.
Jack Fear
17:21 / 05.11.01
The smell of musk rose.

Thews rippled.
Whisky Priestess
18:09 / 05.11.01
The bitch. The mate. Mog had not realised that his most recent victim was paired: there had been no scent of sex on him. Mog is snowblind, rolling desperately on the ground, twined in a throatlock with the bitch, a black, skinny creature with blood and gristle already coating her teeth.

Mog tries to howls, but a strangled whimper is all that escapes his bleeding throat. He tries to shake the bitch off, but she has the strength of desperation. Only pupped bitches are this vicious in the deeps of winter. He has seen them tear at rotten frozen carrion, and at each other, to feed their litter. His blood runs warm up his nostrils and he is choking. B

lind, breathless, he thrashes, throwing her more by luck than judgement against a tree. She is shaken loose, dazed momentarily: not long enough. She staggers to her bleeding feet, padding red onto the fresh snow. They circle each other. Now that he is downwind of her he catches the musk and spice of her scent. She is in heat. Mog snarls: part lust, part murder. The dance of sex and death.

The bitch leaps at him and he prepares to tangle, his injured limb tense and aching. He springs and feels it give under him. This is what death feels like: clear and cold as a frozen stream.

The bitch's head rolls to his feet. He is staggering on three legs, whimpering in remembered pain. The bitch's blood is hot and salty. He puts out a tongue and licks the blood from his nose. A shadow looms over him.

The Man stands with a red axe in his hand. He regards Mog with a look of curiosity.

"You're fatter than you should be, this weather," he says. "You must be a better hunter than you look."

Mog whines. His eyes roll back in his head: he is aware of his exposed belly, sodden with gore and snow.

"I could use you," says the Man softly, almost to himself.
07:59 / 06.11.01
For the first time in his life, Mog is in chains. Cold steel, forged by man, biting into his wounds, a strap of salted leather forced between his jaws.

For the first time in his life, Mog is afraid. He thought the Man was food, was victim, was prey. Now the Man has become the Master.

The Master regards him coolly, tightening the chains slightly so Mog stiffens. "Come," he says. "We have a ways to go, and my caravan is not light. Push on until nightfall, then we make camp, and I may let you eat."

Mog whimpers. The Man puts his face close to Mog's "What did you say?"

"Yes... Master," rasps Mog, the chain and the bit and the strangeness of the Man-tongue rendering it little more than a grunt. Still, the Man is satisfied.

"Onward!" he commands.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
15:29 / 06.11.01
The man called Cloven watches without motion as the trapper and the Ughvark move slowly away across the ice. For six hours he has crouched in a hide of bearskin and snow, watching and listening. There is ice on his skin, and in the thick, closecut beard which protects his face. Cloven looks the part of a barbarian, a fur-clad marauder, from boots to platted hair. Smoothly and without fuss, he stands, and moves off in pursuit of the trapper, long legs taking in the distance comfortably, his hands dipping to touch the snow, feel its texture, lest its texture betray a cornice or a maraine. His mouth is open to breath in the air, and his eyes never leave the distant sledge.

Cloven is hunting, not food, but answers, in this dismal place. He has crossed oceans and mountains, learned new languages and killed, in order to follow this man, this violent idiot, back to the place that spat him out.

Cloven has business with this place. Business for which he has brought, not just a sword, but a small earthenware jar he stole from the opposite end of the World.

His legs take on the pace, and his body runs and hunts; his mind returns him to the beginning, in the City of a Thousand Lights. In the House of Ripening. In Marsha's Room of Freedom...
15:45 / 06.11.01
Mog and Man press on through the icy wastes.
When the ice is thin or the snow is deep Mog is forced to break the trail. Man holds the chains loosely at these times to avoid being pulled in after Mog.

The cold first burns and then numbs.

As the sun sinks a slight windbourne smell of Man-hive and bad magic reaches Mog.
Lost in CyberSpace
19:01 / 06.11.01
Throughout the long, icy day, Mog had focussed his sights on the far distant horizon, aiming himself mindlessly at the tiny dark point that represented his goal. For an endless time, it grew no bigger, but slowly, slowly and painfully, as the light leaches away and the soft dove grey of the winter's sky fades to gunmetal and then charcoal, the minute speck grows and takes shape.

Camp! Even at this distance, a light can be seen flickering in the one crude window of the rough hewn hut, shining out across the thick white sheet of snow like a guiding beacon.

Somewhere in the dim recesses of his ravaged mind, he knows what that means. Warmth, and an end to his suffering, albeit it temporary, and he quickens his pace, gritting his teeth against the white heat of his agonised muscles and scarcely flinching as the tip of the horsewhip flays the matted fur on his back.

On, on! He needs no urging.

He has lost track of time. His Ughvark existence has lost all meaning. The seething miasma that passes for his mind begins to concentrate and focus itself for the first time in many years, memories stirring, provoking a tumult of confusion and fierce emotion. He hasn't always been this way. Once, he'd stood as tall and proud as the man now holding him in thrall, his mind as sharp, his body as strong and sturdy. He had worn clothes, laughed and drunk with his friends, made love to many women. Across the plane of his mind, pictures scud freely but without form, dazzling his Ughvark brain with their colour and life and complexity, and dragging back from the rim of oblivion the details of a life he had sacrificed in a moment of supreme folly and arrogance.

The nebulous memories slip frustratingly from his grasp, dancing elusively before him. If only he could think, if only......! But his brain is a mushy soup.

The banishment is supposed to be forever. Somewhere in the dim recesses of Ughvark hell, he remembers falling foul of the Great Sorcerer and being subjected to the full power of a most terrible wrath, forced to live out the rest of his life as the meanest savage for a crime committed at the height of his most selfish and thoughtless youth.

The only faint glimmer of hope lies in the contents of a small earthenware jar, hurled in a fury by the Sorcerer to the ends of the earth, and Mog knows it will never be seen again.

How could it? Who could ever find this lost treasure, or bring it once more within his orbit?
Lothar Tuppan
14:31 / 07.11.01
"Jefex. Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"It sounded almost like a wolf howling."

"You're too timid for this work Kavin." said Jefex as he shovelled the rest of his dinner into his mouth. "You jump at shadows and the howling of the wind."

Kavin glared hatred at his companion.

"Feed the girl Kavin."

"The bitch clawed me last time."

Jefex laughed deeply. "As I said, you're too timid. Go on, we need her healthy if we're to make a profit. I still don't know why these mountain tribals are in such demand as slaves though." he said looking dispassionately at his merchandise.

"No accounting for taste."
18:46 / 07.11.01
As the wind gusted across the steppes, fanning their low campfire, their onagers stirred restlessly and huddled behind their wooden cart.
10:36 / 08.11.01
Kavin went off grudgingly. Jefex never believed him, always belittled him, just like his mother used to do. One day, he would show him but right now he would feed that tribal womanenesk thing that they caught the other day.

"There ye go girl..come on be a nice savage" he said, while giving her a bowl of leftover stuff. She ate it in a rush. He returned to the fire and started to roll himself a cigarette.


"Yes Kavin?"

"Can you scratch my back please...a bit deeper...aah yes there... thank you"
14:16 / 08.11.01
"Will we fetch our money's worth in Dhunhaven, then, do you think?" Jefex asked, running the short stick under Kavin's thick coats and across his skinny back.
"She should be worth at least, what, 15 gold?" Kavin sighed.
"More like 30. The breeders like women like them," he sneered, "all legs and fire.
"Now, boy, you do me," he said, turning to face the fire and passing Kavin the stick. "And mind the boil on my shoulder."
07:09 / 09.11.01
Cloven frowns. He has tracked the Uqhvar and the man to this primitive campsite, where he has seen at least three humans within a makeshift hut. Slavers, probably. However, this could complicate things. He digs a little further into his ice hole and pulls a stick of dried beef from his belt pouch, chewing it thoughtfully.

Oh, how he wished he was back in the City of a Thousand Lights, many leagues away from this all-consuming coldness. He almost wishes he had never heard those whispered words in Marsha's Room of Freedom, almost cursed his friends for taking him to the House of Ripening for his birtheve celebrations.

He had been content, then, with his training in the Guard and his drinking and whoring. Content, before he ever even knew of this wretched place, never cared for paltry earthenware jars, never bothered himself with quests and justice.

Cloven finishes his slight meal and starts; he has lost sight of his quarry. On the roaring wind he hears the faint sound of a tumult; the man and the Uqhvar must have gone inside the hut.
Lost in CyberSpace
11:06 / 09.11.01
The searing wind sweeps snowflakes and bits of dried up leaf and straw into the crude hut as the door flies open. Jafex jumps to his feet with a shout of alarm, only to subside almost at once, his pug ugly face a sullen mask when he realises who has entered the crude hut.

'Well, whaddya know, its The Ferret,' he sneers, but politely. Their leader is well known for his vicious backhanders.

The Ferret hauls the Ughvark into the room without a word and shoves him into the corner by the crouching girl. Mog stumbles on feet as numb as ice blocks and falls on top of her, and a scuffle breaks out. The Ferret advances on Jafex and delivers a sound blow to the side of his head, his tattered and grimy fingernails ripping a blood red gash across an ear already scarlet from long time exposure to extremes of weather.

Jafex mutters rebelliously under his breath and slinks away, his eyes filled with hate.

Kavin, whose eyebrows meet in a line, giving him a surly caste, grins stupidly at Jafex's humiliation until a continuation of the same blow sends his own head reeling, and he voices his displeasure with an indignant whine.

'Fuckwits,' The Ferret greets almost pleasantly, his deep bass voice reverberating in the confines of the rude hut. 'What's for dinner? Those two should be outside with the animals. There's a couple of pairs of shackles in the caravan. See to it, Kav.'

Kavin drags himself reluctantly to his feet and heads for the Urghvark.

'I'll start with the easy one,' he mumbles, flexing his fingers.

[ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Lost in CyberSpace ]
17:42 / 12.11.01
The small meat creature comes to Mog, grabs the cold steel and yanks him outside, into the wind.
The stink of packbeasts and the makeshift latrine makes bile rise in Mog's throat. He slows his pace, and the little wriggling thing yanks his chain again, then spits into his face.
The stench is overpowering. Mog falls to his knees and vomits, a steaming gush of yellow bile and partially digested bones from his last meal, three days previous. The vomit splatters across the chains and stings the hands of the Boy, who swears and kicks at him.
Mog is chained to a tree, and the Boy tosses a moldering haunch of rancid game towards him before retreating from the wind into the crude shelter.
Mog regards the shackles on his wrists. The crudely wrought iron still smolders where his digestive juices had run across them.
An idea begins forming in Mog's shaggy, oversized head.

[ 14-11-2001: Message edited by: grant ]
11:56 / 14.11.01
Kavin grabbed a stick and began working up his courage to tackle the bitch, now sleeping in the corner.
"So, Ferret," Jefex asked, scratching his taut, dome-like belly and sneering, "what happened out there? Where's Kacrin? She should have been here by now."
The Ferret stared at him, expressionless.
"Ah," said Jefex. "I miss her pointed insights and clever repartee already. I hope nothing... untoward might have happened out there."
The Ferret broke into grim laughter.
"She wanted to take risks, she took risks," he said, quietly. "She was a fine trapper, but not quite sane."
"As if being sane helped in this business," Jefex replied, taking a pull from a tin flask.
Kavin's face contorted, he spun on his heel, and went outside to sit by the fire, his back to the hut.
12:14 / 14.11.01
Kavin sits, stick in hand, rump resting on a bundles of skins. He kicks listlessly at the snow, piles it up. The soft pat of falling handfuls is barely louder than his breathing. Occasionally, he glances about him, his eyes picking out moving spots of darkness. He stops, abruptly very still. Just beyond the circle of fire, there is a pair of eyes. Lone wolf, thin and lean and mean. Kavin smiles, and folds his body downwards, ready for a fight. The wolf decides against it, and slinks away.

Kavin does not straighten. He is happy. He rolls forward, nose in the freezing snow. A few seconds later, Cloven steps over him and around the hut.


Mog has lips drawn back in involuntary disgust. The his insides rebel, his instincts kick him away, but his wakeful mind hurls him back. He feels his gorge rising again. He gasps out corrosion, and there is a faint, dry snap as the first of the manacles gives up. Mog turns his attention to the other.
11:52 / 16.11.01
The manacle snapped just as Jefex bursts out of the hut, dragging the bruised woman behind him.
Defiance shone from her eyes, and, as her glance fell to the Ughvark's bare wrists, a flame of hope. Unfortunately for Jefex, he was too busy denigrating Kavin to notice the rising shadow of the Ughvark before him - that is, until his head was snapped clean off his body, blood spilling across the dusty ground and sputtering in the campfire.
The smell was stomach-turning. Kavin barely had time to gasp before the Ughvark yanked Jefex's right arm out of its socket and began brandishing it as a club.
He turned to run, thinking of his sword insid the hut, and found himself face to face with the woman. She was holding her chains out before her like a garrote. In the blink of an eye, Kavin felt cold iron squeezing around his neck, his eyes bulging from his head, and then, blackness.
The last thing he heard before losing consciousness was The Ferret, the strongest man he'd ever known, screaming like a skewered rabbit.

[ 16-11-2001: Message edited by: grant ]
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