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Do my homework for me or I'll beat you up at break.

Mordant Carnival
09:48 / 30.10.01
Yo. I've got this multimedia project for Uni and I'd like to blag a little input.

I say multimedia, but actually the title is "Sound and image in multimedia." It's a pretty cool topic, and I'm all exited. The brief is very open; I could do a music video or a web page, or bring in a picture and stand in front of it singing, if I want. I'm going for the webpage (ease of presentation). I have the sound part pretty much sussed but what I would like from you guys is help in the image dept. I don't mean "everyone go out and make me some good pix so I can blag them for my coursework," but just general suggestions as to where I might find useful images. What constitutes useful, I'll leave up to your fertile imaginations.....

Ta in advance.
09:49 / 30.10.01
(And Barbelith's own Gripper Stebson starts to build her own evil regime...)
09:49 / 30.10.01
What sort of thing were you after? I'm not sure if it'll be useful, Mordant, but there's a load of images here that you might like to use (anything posted up by 'biglumox' anyway):

Chewing Gum for the Eyes

It's where I (and some others) put jpegs that I want to post here and elsewhere.

Is copyright going to be an issue? Some of the stuff on that site is my own original work - so you're cool with that - some is collage using photos out of mags/books etc (not sure how that stands) and some is just straight scanned in and untouched from mags etc, which is probably a no-no (but there are some pics of a guy doing kung-fu warm-up exercises that are crying out to be animated). Any questions, ask here or private message me.

[ 30-10-2001: Message edited by: Saveloy ]
09:49 / 30.10.01
Thinking about the copyright thing, there are loads of sites with free clip art which is ripe for misuse.
rizla mission
12:54 / 30.10.01
aaah! I forgot all about Saveloy's image-posting thingy!

Can I join? Me and my brother have loads of weird images we've been looking for a home for..

..though you've got me scratching my head over the thought process behind this:

sorry, do carry on with the proper topic..

[ 30-10-2001: Message edited by: Rizla Year Zero ]
13:13 / 30.10.01
Just felt right, somehow. What could be cooler than Sean Connery on a kiddies hovercraft, eh?

Right, go to this page:

...and click the 'Join This Group' bit on the right.

Once you're in, if you want to add a pic, go to the FILES page and click ADD FILE. It's pretty intuitive from there onwards.

If you just want to look at files then I don't think you have to join, you can just go to the files page and click on 'em.

Everyone is welcome to join and put stuff up there, (please try and stick to jpegs and gifs, or any other compact file types). There's plenty of space there, about 15 megs left of the 20. When it starts looking full I'll ask round for deletable stuff. Heck, we can just start another group...
Mordant Carnival
16:11 / 05.11.01
Yum, yum!

Can I have some more, please?
09:54 / 13.11.01
(editing my posts yet again...)

tardy reply, but some good stuff here:

[ 13-11-2001: Message edited by: Ria ]
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