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Lyrical Assassin

06:02 / 25.10.01
I always have a real bitch of a time trying to write lyrics that I like. Anyone here write songs? How do you get stuff down that you like?
06:02 / 25.10.01
There are three tips I can suggest: always underwrite, always add tons of subtext, and always carry a notebook.

The first: you could try writing down words that you feel are loaded with meaning, just as a brainstorming exercise. Keep it in your notebook, refer to it when necessary. You may find that one word will unlock a whole song.

If you’ve conveyed you meaning with one word, don’t add to it – it’ll just be detracting. Try to write out the entire song in one sitting, and then do revisions if necessary (it often shows when you’ve written one verse and a chorus, and come back to it later. The language change can really jar). I’ve only written one successful song that I finished six months after I started.

The second: Don’t add references that few will understand, unless you’re like me and are writing one song intended for two totally different audiences.

Don’t feel you have to write the song as soon as you get an idea for the lyric. I often have an idea, put it to one side (write it down in the notebook), and then forget about it for months. I’ll research the subject either consciously or unconsciously, and then suddenly the song orgasms out in the space of half and hour sitting at the notebook (it may need two or three revisions, but I’ll have the blueprint). The long gestation means that the song will probably work on several levels, and usually the spontaneous nature of the writing will mean it won’t sound forced.

One thing I try is to imagine the song as a living being (whether it actually is or not is a subject I’m considering), with whom you can interact. This gives you a much more three dimensional perspective and will help choose words according to the beings personality.

When I redraft, I usually only edit or pick a word that more succinctly describes what I intend. I very rarely add layers of meaning in the drafting process: it’s more to chip away everything that detracts from the song. Very occasionally I’ll tweak a word so that it gives an array of different meaning.

If you’re just starting to get to grips with what you can do lyrically, don’t try to be prolific. Your own techniques and writing style will come given time, and the whole process will begin to come naturally. Having said that, don’t be afraid to try a number of ideas until you find the means that work best for you.

The third: Always carry a notebook, several different colour pens or pencils, and highlighters. Make sure you’re always reading both prose and poetry (doesn’t matter from where – I find newspapers, the internet and hip hop just as good as – or better than - anything else).

Oh: be honest. There is a case for dishonesty in poetry, but it’s much harder to achieve good results.
12:38 / 25.10.01
I agree with all that.
I also really like my Capricorn Rhyming Dictionary. The actual rhymes don't get used a lot, but the way it's organized (by ends of words) generally jogs me during the lyric process.
Whisky Priestess
13:17 / 25.10.01
Think of it as poetry that rhymes and scans: the best song lyrics are just that. That way you avoid mindless SAWisms like an entire chorus of "yeah baby baby . . . I love you baby maybe . . . if you were crisps you would be KP baby . . . you're easier than ABC baby" etc.

Although the above is uncharacteristically good for a pop lyric.
16:29 / 25.10.01
expressionless: I'd like to hear some of your stuff, is it possible?

I find it difficult to write lyrics in my own language (portuguese). I prefer to write in English, because it works as a shield that protects me from some rather... uh... shadowy spots in the lyrics (not really, but makes me feel protected).
I wish I could analyze the lyric writing process in order to help you, but it's really difficult.
My main problem is that I don't really know what to write about. I have a song, and I sit there thinking: This one talks about what, really?
Whenever I try to write something down, it's such a terrible time of "put pen down-try again-forget about it-restart the fucking thing"... just thinking about it makes me nervous.
I usually don't go for rhyming. It doesn't matter much - in the beggining. First i say what I want to say (almost never explicitly), then I start ironing the corners.

Oh, I just remebered something that I ALWAYS do:
Before writing the lyric (assuming I have the theme already) I write 24 or something brainstormed lines of phrases connected with the theme:


- I keep seeing faces in empty backseats...
- There are ghosts on the phone lines and they're pointing at me...
- Yadda yadda yadda...

Later I pick the best ones and try to work around that.

Hope the babbling has been helpful.

You can see if it works here.
00:50 / 26.10.01
my only direction is write, even if it's something way to short, if you can't add anymore save it, it may make a good bridge to a song, write, write and rewrite, i'm never satisfied w/ what i have but the band is, and if they're not by the time it's offered up to them they can add and take away and improve some bits... it's all trial and error as far as i do it, and never be afraid to strip mine the content of one okay song to add it to one kick ass song
08:31 / 26.10.01
quote:Originally posted by Imperador de Jade:
expressionless: I'd like to hear some of your stuff, is it possible?[/URL]

I wish it were. When I say I write songs, I actually just write lyrics for songs that haven’t yet been composed. My only instrument is drums and percussion, and I’m putting together a band at the moment for the purposes of writing the music to go with the words.

Regarding posting my lyrics (if that’s what you meant), I’m actually pretty nervous about doing that on-site, for some reason. You see, my friends in meatspace would try not to hurt my feelings. I’ll PM you some if you like, but anything else feels like the board equivalent of standing up in front of everyone and pulling my trousers and cacks down.
11:17 / 08.11.01
As he said I could say he wrote it, I'm sure he won't mind me pimping it. One of his songs is now sat in the "Lyrics to yr life" thread in Conversation.
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