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My mate's mag

18:39 / 15.10.01
Ok, I promised a couple of friends of mine I'd shout about their new magazine wherever I go,(they're looking for submissions for the first issue)

so..... Here & Now, a new UK small press mag of urban fantasy is gagging for submissions!
Details can be found
As far I can tell, the rates they're paying are pretty average for small press mags.

So I've done my duty. And now they get to owe me a drink or two! (And I get to raise my post count by one and get closer to not being a junior member!
17:46 / 16.10.01
may I make a constructive suggestion?
improve the look of the page? add a few graphics, change the tiling background to something less colorful. I think this could help in allowing the 'zine to have more people interested in it... after all the site advertises its existence.
rizla mission
11:53 / 17.10.01
That looks like it could either me really, really good or really, really bad, depending on the quality of the stuff.. concept, but execution might be scary..
12:43 / 17.10.01
...sounds fun to be honest...the submission introduction made me laugh.... although that might be because I'm sad...
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