"I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
I added a "to" and made the stops and pauses into basic punctuation... y'know, I can't remember seeing it printed ever, so I don't know if there's really a period where I put one.
I'm sure that my school didn't start with the pledge until first grade*, and for some reason I think it may have stopped in middle school (a.k.a. junior high), putting it at ages 6-14. But I could just be misremembering.
I seem to recall reading that a "hack" was originally a term for a practical joke, in a very limited area (such as, only M.I.T. students used it, or some such)... I thought the computer term MIGHT be coming into usage, again in an incredibly limited peer group... Hell, just listen to grant and forget the word exists.
* I'm afraid I don't know if these terms mean anything to non-Americans; kindergarten is ~5 years of age, first grade is the one after kindergarten. |