waking up in the morning self-gutted with the stink of last night's cigarettes stinging your nostrils, your fingers, figuring it's time to forget you feel and catch the rail in to town.
liquor tossing through stomach-lining-sieve is the responsible alarm-clock.
of all pretensions; to live by dying and die by living.
entropy does not concur, it was drizzling this morning when i dressed for fog and the sun burns through: intentions pure and considerate become arrogant, selfish- and they burn.
and i burn; but it's not the sun, it's the stomach-lining-liquor-sieve reminding me that without it, the resultant burn could very well be fatal in compare.
and after enough drinks tears shed by candlelight begin making tracks down the face, tracks you will not see in the mirror, tracks you will not forget.
tracks the wise do not wish to forget.
i am not wise. i am in pain; and it's an acceptable situation which i have opted for in exchange for the fallout generated by love-that-is-not-love. love which expresses itself via it's antithesis.
i know you love me because you hate me.
it never feels cold in the first 48 hours. it nevers feels cold at all, through the pores, because they store just like solar panels.
i did not tell you the words the antagonist longs to say: that again we will meet in the middle of the road and all will have been swept away by the rain the night before to provide us with a plethora of possibilities which we only now, only temporarily close the door upon.
i left you no rope.
both selfishly and selflessly, the rope i have kept.
it was of low quality and liable to fray.
liquor-stomach-sieve, please awaken me. |