I want to submit the following story to a school publication but before I do I would like some opinions. Do you think I should change something in this story? Is it utter shit? Is the word of God encrypted in these words? Finally, am I God? And if not then why do I have his bathrobe?
I think it was yesterday. I heard a noise outside my bedroom window. It sounded like the wind was talking again. So what did I do? I hid under the bed like a yellow coward. But you don't know how dangerous the wind can be around these parts, oh no. Believe you me, there is nothing more awful in this god forsaken world than an intelligent breeze. It descends upon you like an eagle descends on its prey and envelopes you in a sea of voices. Moaning, crying, laughing, screaming, whispering, thousands upon thousands of voices and words and personalities. It's maddening. And then it hits you. With a force like no other and you fall. Believe me, friend, you fall. And then your friends and family find you face down in the gutter all broken and dead and they say "He was such a good boy" and "What a terrible way for him to die" and "When's lunch, Ma?"
It happened to me once. Except I lived through it. I was walking home late when the breeze got me. I felt the cascade of voices falling down all around me and I ran. But the breeze was faster and it caught up with me. But I did what any intelligent boy would have done. I showed the breeze my Chocolate Cereal Super Decoder Ring, yessirree, and the wind left me alone. And I ran back home.
My mom and dad where waiting for me. I could see the worried look in their eyes as I approached the front porch. I figured that they knew that the wind had almost overtaken me and had thought that I was dead. But that was not the case at all. Dad showed me the adoption papers. I was not their kin.
That night I didn't sleep at all. I cried, my face clenched to my pillow. Then I began to suffocate. I pulled the pillow of my face and began to hyperventilate. After a few minutes of rapid breathing I began to cry again and pressed my face against the pillow. Within moments I was suffocating once more. This time I pulled the pillow of my face, turned around, and placed the pillow under my head. I looked up at the ceiling and gasped in horror. Two red eyes were quietly observing me.
My right hand instinctively reached out and flicked the light switch. Instantaneously the room was illuminated by a lamp located in the far east corner of my room. Now I saw that the two red eyes that had only moments ago terrified me were simply the pupils of a hideous bat creature from a separate reality. Greatly relieved I turned off the light and dozed off.
The next morning I was awakened by a rooster's crow. This was quite peculiar since there were no roosters in this part of the country. Drowsily I arose from my bed and made my way towards the window to see what manner of beast was making that noise. It was my grandfather. He was wearing his big yellow chicken suit and flapping his arms in the air. "I can fly!" he yelled "I can fly!" At the next moment I saw my mother run out and slam grandfather on the head with a large metal shovel.
Grandfather fell down. Dead. My mother then proceeded to take the shovel and dig a large hole in the front yard. She threw grandfather's body into the pit and began covering the aperture with upturned dirt. Finally, after a few minutes of work she was finished and proceeded to make her way back into the house.
For the entire day I thought nothing of this. Then, as night approached, I suddenly heard the wind talking outside my bedroom window. Quickly I made my way under the bed where I lay for the next few hours. Finally, when I felt the danger passed, I crawled out and breathed a sigh of relief and passed out on the bed. |